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"You went after Elena, what is wrong with you." klaus said to Rebacka as he stormed into the room.

"Here we go." Rebekah said smiling sarcastically at klaus.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart." Klaus said angrily.

"Again with the dagger threats, don't you have any other tricks." Kol said looking at klaus.

Turning his head to kol" go back to looking at yourself."

"And who are you my father."
"No kol, but you're in my house."klaus said to koi.

" than perhaps we should go..."
Before kol could finish his sentence, a white light blinded them.

Once the white light disappeared, they realized they were somewhere else.

"Where the bloody hell are we." Said Rebekah.

"Oh great there here as well." Said a familiar voice.

The Mikaelsons siblings all turned around to the voice that said that. Which turned out it be Damon, but he's not alone the whole scooby group is there too.

"Of course. I'm not surprised that your Scooby group would pull something." Rebacka said.

"What tricks have you pulled this time, what have you done bennet witch." Klaus yelled at the whole group.

"I didn't do anything." Said Bonnie.
"How do we know it wasn't you guys who sent us here." Said Elena stepping forward.

Klaus was about to start yelling at Elena and her group again until, he heard another voice.

"Were are we." Viserys said looking around.
" I do not know my king, but it seems we are not alone." Said hand Otto.

Kol took a good looked at the people that had appeared out of no where. " the the bloody hell are you."

"How dare you speak that way towards the king." Shouted Otto.

"Oh shut up, you Hightower cunt." Daemon said to Otto.

"This shouldn't be possible, we all had died during the war over the throne, how are we here." Questioned Rhaenys.

" king, being dead, what are you people talking about." Damon questioned.

Everyone started talking at the same time. It was loud, people were shouting at each other. Questioning where they were, why they had been bought here.

But all the noise had stopped one a voice was heard a very familiar one, even the targaryens knew.

"what the hell, where am I."
Said Rhaenyra dusting imaginary dust off herself.

A certain group of people froze, staring at the young woman before them.

"Rhaenyra are you ok." Caroline asked worriedly towards her twin, rushing forward and bringing her into a hug.

" yeah I'm fine care." Rhaenyra told her sister as she hugged her back.

Pulling away Rhaenyra turned her head and show the Mikaelsons.

" Hey care, what are they.." before Rhaenyra could finish her sentence. She heard a voice she would never be able to forget, not even in this life.


Rhaenyra paused her heart started to beat faster. Slowly Turing around Rhaenyra show an all too familiar face.

"Jacaerys." Rhaenyra whispered with tears flowing down her face.
"Jace, Luke, Joffrey, Aegon, Viserys.," Rhaenyra shouted as she ran towards. Her children.

They ran toward her as well. Once in reach Rhaenyra hugged her children tightly whispering her love to them kissing them on the head each.

Pulling away from the tight embrace. Rhaenyra looked at each of her children smiling gently at them.

Turing her head to the side Rhaenyra found Daemon staring at her. Staring back she slowly be began to walk to him, but soon started to pick up the paste.

Once in each other arms they kissed. A long and slow one, one filled with so much loved. Pulling away from the kiss they looked into each other eyes, sliming at each other so much loved.

Looking behind daemon she show her mother Aemma, and her father Viserys. She also show her half siblings and the Velaryons and the Hightower. But she didn't pay them any mind. Her sites was focused on her mother and father.

"Mother, father." She said as she quickly went over to embrace her parents.
"Oh Rhaenyra my baby." Aemma said as she hugged her, Viserys as well.

Rhaenyra closed her eyes tightly, feeling content in her mother and father arms.

"Wait Rhaenyra, are these people the people you been talking about." Caroline questioned her twin.

What do you mean the people she's "been talking about." Bonnie questioned them both as she stepped forward.

"Hold on the better question is how does nyra even know them." Said Damon.

" you look so much younger Rhaenyra." Said Viserys said with confusion, after taking a good look at her.

Turing to Caroline " yes care they are those people."

"Oh My God." Caroline shouted eyes wide and mouth hung open.

Stepping back Rhaenyra turned back towards her father. " yeah... eh I look young because I was reborn. Reborn into a new world of sorts."

Everyone looked at Rhaenyra wide eyed.

"On the seventh how is that possible."

"What did she just say." Damon questioned.

"You were reborn, what does that mean. Elena asked Nyra.

Rhaenyra was not able to say anything because of how many people were questioning her.

"Well what an interesting turn of events." Kol said simling, enjoying the drama that's taking place before him.

" I still would like to know why we are here." Elijah said towards his siblings.


Everyone stoped talking, looking in the direction the voice came from, to find more people had appeared. girl and the two woman standing on either side of her.

"Great more people." Damon said annoyed.

"we're the ones who brought you here. Said the woman with blonde hair standing on the left of the girl.

At this all the supernatural being got in a defensive position. Some showing there vampire face.

"Oh seven hells." Whispered Alicent taking a step back.

daemon stepped forward standing infront of Rhaenyra and there children. having one hand on dark sister.

"Why have you brought us here. What exactly is your goal." Elijah said stepping forward.

The girl in the middle stepped forward " my name is hope Mikaelson. And I came here for one reason only, to save my parents Rhaenyra and klaus Mikaelson.

Authors Note

What does y'all think so far. If u have any questions comment, I'll try to answer ur questions as best as I can.

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