The Oracle

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He is the Oracle, the one who reigns supreme.

Provider of purpose, expunger of villainy,

Lover of women, the perfect comrade,

The pinnacle of all that is holy;

The Oracle reigns supreme.

He is the Oracle, the one whose love is unconditional,

Upon the constraint that allegiance to his rule is everlasting.

Unparalleled devotion; an undoubtedly fitting decree

For a man without rule is no man at all.

Doomed to walk the remainder of his days,

Questioning the complexities and meanings of the universe around him,

He is simply less than; a gentile beast that knows no order.

The blessed hand that gives, and the blessed hand that strikes

The Oracle reigns supreme.

He is the Oracle, the one who guides towards justice.

Those who surrender to his grace hold power in their own right;

For they can never be disproven, never be judged, never be corrupted

By the slightest notion of a differing view.

Opinions, perceptions, and convictions

suggesting any level of deviation from his grace

are mere platitudes.

Subscription to any differing school of thought

Does not make one a "freethinker"

In the eyes of he who is holy,

He who is everything, 

You are an iconoclast;

A man who lives only to stir contentment,

And distract from the one true purpose.

The Keeper of Order,

The Oracle reigns supreme.

He is the Oracle, the one who watches over all.

His paramountcy knows no limit,

Omnipotent and forever ubiquitous,

The antecedent to all that is living,

He will be the last to ever remain.

So, seek his love, seek his guidance, and seek his light

Let it wash over and blind you.

It is best to go willingly into his arms,

For his rule admonishes defiance.

To all who question his word,

Or propose his existence to be a sort of fallacy,

Remember this, and only this:

The Oracle reigns supreme. 

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