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Jisungs pov:

I was about to walk away but then I feel one strong arm wrap around my waist pulling me close.

"Stop hiding things from me." I hear Minho say, I can feel my cheeks turn pink .

I look into his eyes and they are filled with worry seriousness and maybe fear?
"Please tell me what's going on, what happened?" Minho says, but words are stuck in my throat, I couldn't get anything out of my mouth and just kept looking at him.

I sighed softly "I..." I just didn't have it in me to say it, I've never been like this and it's scaring me.

Minho is waiting for me to finish my sentence "remember that guy that pushed me?.." I ask softly looking down at my feet as everything he said came back to me.

Minho nods, a few seconds later I can feel his finger on my chin lifting it up "I'm not forcing you to talk but, at least tell me what that guy said" he said and gently putting my hair behind my ear.


I was walking down the hall and then out of nowhere someone in a black hood pushed me on the ground, he kneeled in front of me and leaned his head next to my ear.

"I can't believe you're actually a cheerleader" he whispered chuckling.
"Everyone lied to you, you are fat and ugly" I freeze and could feel tears forming my eyes as I looked forward.

I could hear his scoff "no one wants you here" he paused "all of your friends will be better off without you" he chuckled and stood up then when I looked up at him he was pushed away and Minho was in front of me with a worried face

End of flashback

"So?" He asked softly.

He doesn't actually care

I freeze when I hear the voice in my head

He doesn't want to do anything with you

Tears form my eyes.

He is just pitying you

"Jisung? Why are you crying?"

I can't hear him all I heard is the voice.
I shake my head slowly "no..." I say putting my hands on my ear as tears slide down my cheeks, I walk backwards tripping on my own feet falling on the ground.

Minho quickly went by my side "jisung? I'm here, focus on my voice ok? It's just me and you" he says holding my shoulders, I look up at him with glossy eyes and slowly nodded.

I hear Minho sigh "do you want to go back home?" He asks in a gently voice, it makes me calm down.

I shook my head "I don't want my mom and sister to worry, let's just go to a cafe" he nodded helping me get back on my feet.

"There is one not that far from here, let's go there" he smiles running his fingers through my hair.

I just give a small nod and we started to walk to the cafe.

On the way there it is pretty much silent but it isn't an awkward one.

After a few minutes I could feel a warm hand hold mine, I look down and see Minhos hand "I hope you don't mind me holding your hand" he smiles a bit looking down at me "I don't mind" I say looking up at him also giving a small smile.

What I didn't know was someone is watching me anger.

No one's pov:

"Son of a bitch!" He yelled kicking a tree with his leg but he hit to hard "ow shit!" He hold his leg, he didn't like Minho and jisung being so close, he hates it.

Poor Cheerleader~•Minsung•~Where stories live. Discover now