part 1

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(not my art)
No one's pov
before you were alone until you met the boyfriends they were the light in your world they are having a slumber party at kevin's apartment Vincent: what do you guys want to do? Felix: anything but preppy *visibly annoyed* Adrian: we could watch a science fiction movie? Kevin: *caressing y/n's head* whatever you want is fine

Y/n's pov
i am enjoying the head rubs while kevin continues caressing my head while adrian and felix are arguing about what to watch and I start to purr and kevin notices my purring and smiles "what if we watch a horror movie?" I say trying to stop their argument Felix: ugh fine...  Adrian: *sigh* ok but don't get scared "don't worry I won't" I say knowing that it would most definitely not scare me Felix: *rolls eyes* whatever  Kevin: ok let's watch it!

Time skip to the middle of the movie
Y/n's pov still
Felix: *screams*  Kevin: *pats his back to comfort him* it's okay felix, it's just a movie *i am watching the movie and I'm the opposite of scarred* Kevin: you aren't scared? "nope" *I am still watching intently and my tail wags slightly* Kevin: *smiles* you really are something james

Sorry for the short start I'll try to update weekly

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