Chapter 1: Loser

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I walked down the vast, open space of the familiar world in the dead of night, a dangerous time for even the most skilled explorer. Iron sword in hand, I followed the trail of torch I had laid down for myself earlier that day. As I walked in between the row of burning sticks, I heard a slow, guttural moan behind me. I wasted no time in turning around, and was rewarded by a hoard of zombies coming my way, their slimy green bodies writhing towards me, with those soulless black eyes staring at me hungrily. There had to be at least fifteen of them, so I knew I couldn't fight them all, not without greatly risking my precious cargo, so I turned and ran. I could hear them scream and groan in protest, but I wasn't about to stop and have a little chat, or in their case a snack. They tried to run but their rotten zombie legs couldn't manage the strain, but it was no use, I was already gone.

After a short run, to make sure that they couldn't catch up, I had to stop to make sure I didn't use up all of my energy. I might have on iron armor, but once my energy was out, there was no more healing, and armor didn't exactly heal you.

My house shouldn't have been much farther from what was my current location, so I started to back to my cottage. I had been walking for at least another minute when I heard an angry screeching of a spider. I whipped around and found what seemed like all the spiders in Minecraft coming at me. There had to be at least two hundred spiders, moving together like a wave of black, brown, and angry red eyes. Though as horrific as the sounds might have been, that's not what caught my attention. What did was the Spiderzilla in the front of them all. He looked exactly the same as the other spiders except he was about three feet taller than me. I wasn't going to make it back to my house in time, even though it was right behind me, they would be on me too fast.

Then they stopped. All of them except Spiderzilla. He slowly walked toward me and jumped at me. I ran to the side and he barely missed, though I on the other hand managed to cut him on his side, though he looked more angry than hurt. I suddenly feinted at him as if I was going to slide under him, and he fell for it. He might have been smarter than the average spider, a lot smarter, but everyone falls for the classic feint. He fell under himself, and was dazed, so I made a dash for my house right behind me. I was so close to my house that I could almost feel the doorknob in my hand. I heard Spiderzilla stomping behind me quickly gaining on me as I hit the door, threw it open, went inside, and closed it just as Spiderzilla ran into the house. His entourage must have followed, because all of my windows were suddenly crawling with black and red eyes. They all tried to get in but to no success.

"I guess I won't be getting any sleep tonight with all the monsters running around" I said to myself. I went over to my chest and opened up my 'precious cargo' I'd been carrying. Fifty diamonds gleamed back up at me, as I took out three and a stick. I turned around he was looking at me. Somehow he had gotten into my house, and was now standing right before me. Herobrine. His soulless white, milky eyes staring back into mine.

" can't be here" I wheezed in fear, as he walked up to me. He just stood there and stared at me unflinchingly. He suddenly punched me and sent me flying through my back door, the one that led to my patio hanging over the cliff. My vision was glitching, red, blue, and green pixels in my view. When my vision finally cleared a moment later, Herobrine was standing over my chest taking the diamonds out. I ran over to my crafting table and crafted a diamond sword, and screamed a war cry.

"Get your filthy fucking hands of my diamonds!" I ran at him and brought my blade down... and he caught it, without even looking up. He pushed me, so hard I went back out into the patio, and broke my blade in two with his bare hands, and dropped it. He ran at me, leaping through the air, and punched me again. Sending me crashing through my patio's floor out into open space. I fell for a good five seconds before I hit the ground.

Good thing I hadn't taken off my armor or I would've died. I looked up and saw Herobrine glaring at me through the hole, and then he jumped into it. I tried to move but for some reason, my body wouldn't move. He landed on top of me and started ripping off my armor sending bits of it flying everywhere.

"Stop!" I screamed at him. He actually did, and then he spoke. For the first time ever Herobrine had spoken. In a surprisingly normal, strong, masculine voice; he said:

"You will be the first to witness the beginning of the Rise of Herobrine" He said. He hit me one last time and I died.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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