The One Where Avery Is Scared

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Avery had been walking for nearly an hour and she felt no closer to Stark Tower than she had been when she started. She looked up and - Just like she thought- the tower wasn't any closer.

She kept checking the tower to make sure she was going the right way. She heard a noise behind her but when she looked there wasn't anything there, so she turned back around.

She looked back up at the tower, but it wasn't there. She frantically looked around at her surroundings, trying to find the building but it wasn't anywhere else.

Avery turned back around and started to walk back home, her groceries in hand. She turned down the alley and opened her front door.

She turned her head to look at her father making his way over to her, hands up displaying ten pristine needles where she has fingers.

She wanted to move but she couldn't, no matter how hard she tried she was stuck looking at the man.

The more she stared at him the weirder he looked. He wasn't right. His face was twitching and morphing in a strange way. When he reaches her she realizes it's not her father anymore, it's Tony Stark.

"I'll fix you." His voice was distorted as he loomed over her. He brought his hands up but they were not needles anymore, he was pulling a blanket towards her. "Do you want to borrow a blanket?"

He brought it over her head but it was too heavy, it weighed her down. She couldn't breathe with it over her face, she tried to push them off but they only got heavier.

"Avery? What are you doing down here?" Pepper was looming over her, a hand outstretched towards her. "Come on, let's go see Mr. Stark."

Avery took her hand as Pepper led her towards the elevator. When they got in the woman hit the button at the top. Avery kept her eyes on the screen, watching the floors change.





They were all over the place, the elevator jerked up and down constantly. The walls started to close in on her, she felt like they were trying to swallow her whole. She was reaching for the buttons to stop the elevator when it stopped and the doors opened.

They stepped out and saw they were in Tony's lab. She looked around and the robots were large- probably ten feet tall, maybe more- and moving around erratically.

Her eyes stopped wondering when they landed on Tony, his back to the both of them. He turned around when he heard us walking out.

"Ah, Ms. Potts, thank you for bringing her to me." When he turned all the way, Avery saw he was in a coat and he wasn't Tony Stark, it was her father again.

She immediately turned back around and rushed into the elevator, jamming the top button until the doors closed. She started pacing around the small space, frantically running her fingers through her hair.

When the doors opened she walked out, it was a tower -Rapunzel's tower. She goes to walk back into the elevator but it's disappeared.

"Avery, darling, where are you?" His voice is distant but close all at the same time. She starts rushing around the room, trying to find an escape.

She turns and sees a door, the words supply closet in big bold letters. She walks towards it but it moves somewhere else. She keeps trying to get to it but every time she gets close it moves.

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