Chapter 1 Tacos friend

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Tylers POV:

Tacos came home from a friends house. it was 7:30. 

" dude what the fuck? you've been gone for almost 12 fucking hours!" I said.

 " man im sorry, I met this girl, her name is Amanda." he said. 

" god how long can you fuck someone?" I asked making throwing up sounds. 

" No! shes my friend! I met her in Nevada and she said she was on vacation and lives here!" he said. 

He seemed really happy, so I started to heat up some left over pizza and didn't bring her up again until he ran into the room

" also, I forgot to tell you, shes coming over tomorrow, your gonna meet her!" he said smiling big

" oh, no no no no. I think you should keep your girl-friends to yourself" 

" no dude! You too HAVE to meet. My two best friends have to get along"

I laughed. " dude, no thanks" I said patting him on the shoulder.

" too late I already told her you were gonna have dinner with us and she said she couldn't wait!" 

I sighed " fine " 

The next day came and Taco woke up at 6 in the fucking morning. " DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!? TURN THE FUCKING LIGHTS OFF!" I screamed at him.

" no, GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP THEN!" he yelled. 


He gave me a death glare then left the room without turning them off. I pulled my pillow over my head. "FUCK YOU" I yelled and got up.

The day went by slowly and I did nothing but play on my PS4 and skate a little. At 5:30 Taco ran in the house. "get ready!" he yelled.

I listened and threw on a light blue shirt and black knee length shorts. I threw on Black vans and a Green hat. Taco ran in the room " shes here." he said. I nodded and followed him down stairs.

when I got down the stairs Taco opened the door. " welcome, to Tyler's house. By the way this is Tyler!" Taco said. I blinked twice, This was Amanda? How could he not want to fuck her?!? " nice to meet you, Tyler" she said shaking my hand and smiling. " you too" I said. " well lets get inside " taco said. Amanda was hot as fuck. Her hair was brown and wavy. her eyes ere a dark blue and she has the cutest smile I had ever seen. I sat down at the table and taco had already set everything up. Chicken and Mashed potatoes for dinner. We all ate and talked about what we did for a living. Amanda was a bar tender at a strip club on the week days and she said on week ends shes some times on stage there. I almost screamed. I guess im not the only person who must thinks shes hot as hell. The time came when she had to go and I hugged her. " hey. do you want to maybe hang out, just the two of us sometime??" she asked when Taco was waiting in the car to drive her home. " a date?" I asked. " well, I just want to get to know you, then we'll see about a date" she said and winked. " okay" I responded and she left. FUCK SHE WAS HOTT

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