Why are you talking to me?

7 0 6

It was the 3rd Wednesday of spring. I woke up at 6 am, like usual. Birds were tweeting, and the golden sun shone through my window. I quickly got up and started my morning routine, making breakfast and checking the channels on the TV.

Seconds after walking out the front door, my nostrils were filled with the fresh spring air. I let out a soft sigh as I felt the cool breeze slightly brush my skin. I looked down to see the crops I had planted, only to realise they were ready to harvist.

I gathered the crops, only keeping certain ones for myself, while putting the rest in the shipping bin for Mayor Lewis to pick up later this night.

I look down at my watch and see the time is only 7 am. I chuck it into my bag, and I leave the farm.

I stroll through the path leading from my farm to Pierre's, looking for daffodils or wild horseradish on the way. I laugh at squirrels as they scurry up trees, causing acorns to fall off. Butterflies of all colours fill they sky fluttering with the soft currents of the wind.

After a few minuets, I make it to town. I wait patiently for Pierre's to open. I rummage through my backpack to try and find my watch. It was only 7:40! There was still 1 hour and 20 minutes!

I grab my hair, groaning in frustration. What was I going to do for almost an hour and a half?!
I step backwards, trying to think about what to do-

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" A man asserts as he steps back to distance himself from me. I whip around to face him. His dark, agitated eyes stared into mine as he looked at me with a frown.

"I'm so sorry! I should be more aware of my surroundings!" I said quickly, maintaining eye contact.

He scoffed and continued walking.

He just left?

I run up to him. "I don't think I got your name?"

"You didn't." He replied dryly.

I frowned.
"Well, my name is Y/N. It's nice to meet you!" I hold out my hand to him, trying to be friendly.

He ignores it and continues walking away.
"Why are you talking to me? Go away."

I stand there shocked at how he was responding. I was just trying to be nice! No one else had acted this way towards me in Pelican Town. Maybe he was just having a bad day? Or I got him at the wrong time? Maybe he just didn't want to have a conversation with a stranger this early in the morning. I get that. He didn't have to be so mean, though... Hopefully, next time I see him, it's less awkward.

"Sorry, have a nice day!" I yell out to him. He doesn't even flick his hand to wave or anything.

I turn back towards Pierre's and look at the calander while I wait for 9. That's when I remember Pierre's isn't even open on Wednesday. I groan loud, now trying to figure out if I should go to JoJa Mart or just give up on trying to plant new crops today.

I decided to wait it out until JoJa Mart opens, even though I haven't shopped from there before in the valley.
Something is better than nothing, I guess...


Word count: 564 words

A.N: Hiii! Thanks for reading the first chapter! Hope y'all liked it. There's more to come :]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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