Teenage girl being ACCUSED

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China always hung around boys because she felt like girls we're NOTHING but a bunch of MESS.

One night, China mother was at work. So two guys and China decided to sit outside and chill before her mother came home. China was so used to her mother getting off at 11:30p.m that she wasn't expecting her mother to be off any earlier than that. That night China mother had decided to pop up on her because she always thought China were out at night doing things she didn't have any business doing.

China and the two guys where sitting on the sidewalk talking. A black Nissan Altima we're coming up the street and one of the guys said China you sure your mother get off at 11:30p.m. She said yeah of course she always get off around that time. The other guy was like that look like your mother coming up the street. The guys we're getting ready to run. China yelled, NO DON'T RUN!!!! THAT'S ONLY GOING TO MAKE THINGS WORST.

China mother gets out her car yelling and cursing , saying "BITCH THERE'S NO REASON YOU SHOULD OUT THIS LATE, GET YOUR ASS IN MY HOUSE NOW!!". I'll see you guys tomorrow, said China. As the guys got ready to walk away China mother told them she better NOT catch them back her house that late again or she was going to call the police.

When China and her mother made it in the house she asked China, Why we're you out so late? China replied, momma I was just sitting on the sidewalk talking. China mother said there's no way in the hell your going to tell me you and two guys where out 10 something at night just talking China.

China mother had accused China of having sex with the two guys. Although, China and the two guys wasn't having sex and never even talked about having sex. China we're 13 yrs of age and still a virgin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2015 ⏰

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