Chapter 19

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The whole council of lords assembled with the king and his advisers. Never before in a history has it happened that absolutely everyone participated in the meeting. Someone always had something more important than the kingdom's future on their agenda.

Prince Ragnan was gone, and questions echoed through the court, how will things be now? They were given hope, and fate took it away from them. They were at the beginning again. Who will help them now? Is there a way out of the situation they find themselves in? They would rather see Princess Luna dead than Prince Ragnan. She started it. She is to blame for everything. She cursed the kingdom with her birth. She lured the shadows into their land. She rejected the Shadow Lord and thus made him their enemy. Princess Luna is the true villain.

Tense conversations sounded through the air at the meeting. They shouted over each other. It all merged into one big, incomprehensible noise. One stupid thing after another. No one was willing to listen to anyone. A council of idiots playing geniuses. Like children playing adults.

The king already had a headache from the eternally arguing lords. He decided to cut it off.

"Enough!" he shouted.

There was a grave silence in the hall. No one dared to speak. They were afraid even to breathe. It was so quiet that you could hear the hearts of those present beating in their chests. The king was a good and kind man, and it was very rare to see him angry. That's why his anger surprised everyone.

The king felt torn. Prince Ragnan attacked his daughter, Princess Luna, but it was also likely that Luna had a hand in the prince's death. No one believed her story about the Shadow Lord, even though it was true. Exceptionally. For this reason, the king did not know which side to take. What should he believe? Princess Luna is his beloved daughter. The future queen. But he knew his daughter's nature and knew she could be as cruel as the shadows.

"Lord Jacobs, what can you tell me about the current situation?" the king invited Lord Jacobs to speak.

Despite his lowly origins, he is one of the most respected men in the court.

"Princess Luna was seen riding her horse into the Dark forest the day Prince Ragnan's body was found. Everyone here knows that I'm not one to fall for rumors easily, but this is really suspicious. What was she doing there? Has anyone asked her about that?" declared Lord Jacobs. "It definitely raises the question of what actually happened and what part Princess Luna and the Shadow Lord had in Prince Ragnan's murder."

"And what is your opinion Duke Bravery?" the king turned his attention to the head of the council.

Duke Bravery stood up, and everyone turned their eyes on him. "I will probably speak for several, but now I will speak clearly for myself, Your Majesty," he began to speak. "There is no doubt that Princess Luna was responsible for Prince Ragnan's death. Intentionally or unintentionally. We all know what the Moirais predicted about the princess. And also, everyone who was able to see behind the mask of the lovely princess that she shows us every day is aware that Princess Luna would definitely be capable of such an act."

King interrupted Duke Bravery. "You are talking about my daughter, your princess, as a criminal. Like the murderer," said the king in an angry voice. "If she's guilty in your eyes, propose a punishment. What solution do you propose, Duke Bravery?'

"The Shadow Lord is powerful. The most powerful opponent we have ever faced. If it's true what the princess says, the Shadow Lord saved her, which means he's still interested in her. Our kingdom has made many enemies over the years, though not directly through our fault, but it happened. In my opinion, the Shadow Lord would be a powerful ally against potential threats. And in addition, with the union of the Shadow Lord and Princess Luna, we would bind the shadows to submit to our laws, thereby saving the people," said Duke Bravery.

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