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With a bunch of glances getting thrown my way, I jiggle my key in my door struggling to get it open "you need help?" I turn around to see the one and only Matt Murdock, in a T-shirt and joggers, his usual red glasses and cane in hand "No" I say more bitter than intended with a very fake smile, to which he scoffs in reply "You sure? The keys rarely work, You should talk to the owner." I lightly slam my hand on the door as I try to keep my anger concealed "You kno-"  he sighs cutting her off "Put the key in, jiggle it up then down three times that usually works for me" So I do as he said and almost magically the door unlocks she glances over to get one more glance at him and his messy hair "thanks" she mutters in shock before his door shuts without any warning she stands there in shock.

Another door slams closed, and running is heard from down the hall "Sadie finally your back, what are you up to? I'm bored and i've missed coming over to your place and annoying you" the girl rambles  (Janie, aka the girl who lives three doors down from me and became my honorary daughter, well that's what she said at least) "Janie what a joy to be back, i've been busy. Wanna come i-?" before I could even finish my question the younger girl is stampeding her way into my apartment. Once I set down my keys I see Janie being nosey and looking through the fridge "Why don't you have anything in here other than beer, vodka, and tequila? are you an alcoholic?" I rub my burning eyes heading to my bedroom popping some Tylenol in my mouth "no. i just haven't had time to go shopping"

"We could go now, I've got nothing to do and my TV doesn't work anymore"

"eh.. no, don't you have homework to do?"

"Nope I finished all of it but I have a shift tomorrow, so can't I go with you, I need a life"

"you hanging with a 27-year-old who lives in the same shitty apartment complex as you isn't living, you need friends your age kid."

"hey I'm not a kid"

"Janie you are 18, you're a kid"

"I turn 19 soon"

"In a week exactly, you feeling old yet grandma?" the younger girl squeals "You remembered?" Janie sprawls out on the couch her legs hanging off the side "I would never forget my favorite kid's birthday" she gasps "Am I not your only kid?" I laugh "You are my only and favorite kid" We fall into silence as I stand in the living room dazing off, letting myself sit in my thoughts until I get pulled out of my trance by Janie clearing her throat "You okay? you sound and look like shit"

"It's been a rough past few days sorry I'm not more energetic or joyful"To be completely honest I wanted to do nothing but shower, drink, and pass out  "I get it. You want me to leave? I know i can be a little much." I shake my head with a smile glued on my face "Stay. I've missed my honorary daughter Lets go grocery shopping and you can tell me all the drama at your school"

"buckle up a lot of shit has gone down in the past three days"

"Now let's go get some food."


Back at the precinct.

"the girl is absolutely stupid" one detective says to the other

"She's clueless, have you heard anything from Thana or boss?" hearing a thud coming from outside the room they give each other a look of caution as the door swings open, Sargent Mahoney seen from outside the room "you two done? Pierce has been gone so why aren't you? This isn't a place to chat with your buddy, I need the room."

Zimmerman grits his teeth turning his irritated face into a fake smile "Yeah we'll be out of your way Sargent" Mahoney nods with no emotion as he watches them leave

"fucking weirdos" he mumbles once the two men were out of range.

Murphy's phone rings loudly in the empty room causing him to jump "It's him"                          "Well answer it idiot" Zimmerman demands, Murphy nods.

"Yes sir everything is in place just like you wanted it" Zimmerman stares at him as Murphy sucks up to their boss "Got it. Yes sir we'll keep in touch"

"What did he say?"

"He said we're not doing enough, we need to work harder, and the truth can never be let out we will do everything we can to protect the secret. Call Keith he owes us a favor" Zimmerman gives an evil crooked smirk at the sentence that spilled out of his partner's mouth "Let go".


a/n- Janie is already my favorite also yes Matt was listening to the whole conversation with Janie and Sadie. Do we want 3rd person or 1st? I keep going back and forth😭

Lost Again •Matt Murdock•Where stories live. Discover now