R.E.D Chapter 8

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                    Don't question me ok

Then he brushed a part of my hair behind my ear then he said, "Alexander, darling". I took a step away from him like excuse me who even says that like what who told you, you could do that. "What's wrong why are you making that face", he said
"What do you mean this is a completely normal reaction you do realize this is an arranged marriage no real feelings well at least you're not going to get anything from me", I said
"Yeah right like I'd want to actually marry you, what did you like not see the maid or something if she just saw us standing there staring at each other she obviously get suspicious so I had to put up some act", Alexander said
"That doesn't even make any sense why would she get suspicious", I said
"Did nobody tell you anything about the arranged marriage or are you just really dumb because it obviously says that every one needs to believe this is a real relationship so if the maid finds out it's not real if she ever gets fired she'll rat us out", Alexander said
"Oh, but what's so wrong with that anyway I mean we'll get to go back to our normal life well kinda normal life", I said.
He stared at me for a hot minute then grabbed my shoulder and he said, "look princess you may be able to just run away from your problems with little to no consequences but I can't do that because if ever tried to do anything like that I would bring complete dishonor to my family's name so you're the only thing keeping me from causing dishonor to my family do you understand so maybe you don't want to do this but you have to think of someone besides yourself for once" his eyes were so watery and shiny like he had gotten so mad he was about to cry. I had no clue how to respond him so I just stared a him
"Finally you shut up, anyway aren't you supposed to be showing me around, princess" , he said
"Umm yeah ok umm let's go up to my room", I said
He followed me up the stairs still with a pouty face. I was actually starting to feel bad but we kept walking. We finally reached my room and as soon as I opened the door he gasped and I turned around and said "what?"
"Umm sorry it's just that I've never seen a room this pink", he said
"Really you would think that a pristine prince bachelor that you would've see a lot of girls bedrooms", I said
"Hey I'm not that much of an asshole besides in my kingdom basically everyone hates me", he said
"Oh well ok I'm sorry oh actually umm if it makes you feel better a lot of people hate my entire existence", I said smiling
"That's not a good thing are you retardant or something", he said
"What no dude what in the world, and I was just trying to relate with you", I said
"Well you did a horrible job, and I don't want to relate to you princess", he said looking me up and down.
"Hey don't look at me and what's so wrong with relating to me", I said then he lifted an eyebrow towards me and said "You really want me to answer that?"
"Uhh not anymore I guess but hey I'm not that bad", I said
"Whatever believe whatever you want (he rolled his eyes) hey you guys got anything fun to do around here", he said
"Uhhh I don't really know I just stay in my room when I'm at home and not Gri-uhhhh Grigina", I said, cutting off Grims name cuz I didn't want Mr princey over here to find out about him. "Uhhh ok and what kind of person names their kid Girgina like what even is that", he said
"A lot of people you know it's kinda common I guess",I said
"Ummm ok whatever but are you sure there isn't anything fun to do around this place", he said
"I don't know probably no- oh hey maybe there's something we can do but uh umm it's gonna go against your little code of conduct that ok princey boy", I said
"Sure whatever just tell me what it is I'm way too bored", he said
"Ok so first we gotta get into my dad's office then for the rest just follow me ok", I said
"Sure whatever, stop being so dramatic it's not that big of a deal", he said looking annoyed
"BECAUSE if you're not dramatic you're boring", I said flipping my hair. He rolled his eyes and said "whatever lets just go little Ms princess"
"Ok come on don't be such a slowpoke", I said walking out of the room then he followed me out the door. It was silent the whole walk which was odd but at least I wasn't hearing his addatuey voice like can't he just not hate me for like two seconds like what did I ever actually do to him. Once we got to the room I pulled on the door... but it didn't open "huh", I said.
"Wait, did you really just try to open an obviously locked door", he said .
"Well ya but in my defense it's usually open so idk why it's not open rn", I said.
"Bro you're so dumb he obviously locked it cuz he didn't want anyone sneaking into it idiot", he said.
"Whatever man hold on (I grab a bobby-pin from my hair causing it to finally be released from that dumb bun)", I said.
"Are you really gonna do that? How do you know if it even works? It's kin- '', he said as I cut him off by opening the door.
"You should have never doubted me, now come on get moving man", I said.
"Whatever", he said pushing me aside then he said "Whoa there a whole lot of guitars here".
"They're not guitars they're basses duhhhhh", I said.
"Oh wow I'm soooo sorry princess but uhhh hey how did you tell them apart", he said.
"There's four strings and it's actually kinda-", I said before being cut off by this actual idiot.
"Whoa don't go nerding out on me, and I don't really actually care either", he said.
"Whatever man", I say, pushing him out of my way and walking into my father's office.
"What are we even here for", he said.
"Well I thought my father would have something interesting to snoop into but he probably hid it all, and honestly that's just too much work to look for something that probably won't even be interesting", I said then he SMILED AT ME I know crazy right.
"Damn you're lazy", he said.
"Well you're rude", I said BACK.
"Whatever, so there really isn't anything fun to do in this place?", he said
"Yah probably not I mean- oh hey you know what we maybe can do", I said reaching into my nonexistent pocket on this STUPID DRESS for my phone, but then I remembered I left it on the table in the dining room. "Ugh that's so annoying", I said.
"What?", he said.
"I left my phone on the table WHERE OUR PARENTS ARE, so now I gotta go get it", I said.
"Ok so why are you still here?", he said.
"Oh yah good point", I said, grabbing my dress and running.
"Wait, are you wearing converse", he said laughing, chasing after me.
"Duhhhhh, who would want to wear heels all day, I put them on when my maids weren't looking", I said as I kept running. When we got to then dining room we were both gasping, why would we decide to sprint  the whole time, after a few minutes I finally steadied my breathing and said really fast which was low key kinda weird but anyway I said "dad me and Alexander are going to go to town so I can show him around, ok, thanks, byeeee" then I grabbed my phone and Alexander's wrist then ran out of the room and palace, leaving my father with a confused look on his face. We had probably already made it almost to the skate park ,then I got tired of running, and pulled out my phone and texted a "mystery person" .
-The texts-
Hey Grim
Wsp princess
Do you and Nick maybe wanna hang out today
Oh wow princess you already miss me
Wait didn't you have to like talk to another royal family or sum
Well yah but I still wanna hang out so like can yuh plz ask Nick if he wants to
Yah sure princess, I'm on it dw
Ok thanks
Where do you even wanna hang out princess
Idk where do you guys wanna go
I mean we could go to that fair that's going on right now ✌️🤡
Ewww I hate clowns🤡
So you don't wanna go princess🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Nah we can go but no CLOWNS🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
Oh actually should I invite Charlie
I mean yah if you want to
Oh yah Nick said and I quote "yes but only cuz you asked😏😘"
Oh not only that but he is expecting free cotton candy and unlimited churros
Typical Nick man
Ima go call Charlie and se what she says
Ok byeeeee🤡
I look up and I see Alexander just staring at me. I totally forgot about him. It was actually scary how fast I forgot about him, and this guy was supposed to be my husband someday no thank you.
~~~~~~~~~~     :)  ~~~~~~~~~~~~

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