20 - Devin

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"You're really moving out huh?" Pascale sighs from beside me as I pack the last of my things into my suitcase.

"Don't worry, our standing Sunday dinners will continue whether I live with you or not Pascale." I smile. She offers me a sad smile back. Between Charles, Arthur, Lorenzo and Pascale I've been slaved upon for the past few months after my dad's attack. Being that his final court ruling was that he would be in prison for eight years finally came out last month it was overdue for me to find my own place. I'm all but healed physically. There was no reason to keep waking them up with my nightmares. They'd all lost enough sleep over me. 

Pascale moves to sit on the edge of the bed in my childhood bedroom. "You know," she starts. "When you and your mom came to visit us before you moved in, I would've never thought you would grow into the woman you are now."

I look at her confused. "Why is that?"

She smiled. "You were a nasty child."

I couldn't help myself, I laughed. "What?"

Pascale smiles widely and continues. "You threw these horrible temper tantrums when you didn't like something. Arthur did the same of course." I'd heard of Art being a temperamental toddler but I didn't know I had been one. "But yours, oh god, you were horrible."

I laughed again and stood up from the floor beside my suitcase to sit beside Pascale on the bed. "I had no idea."

She shakes her head. "Your mother though, she always dealt with you with such grace. Never complained, never yelled at you or got angry. She'd just sit beside you as you kicked walls and cried and screamed until you'd tired yourself out so much that you would just crawl into her lap and fall asleep."

I felt the back of my throat start to sting with tears. "I wish I remembered that."

Pascale nods. "She was my best friend. One of those people who knew me better than I knew myself. I miss her every day, but you Devin. You are the spitting image of her, and the kindest of souls. I want you to remember that no matter where you go now that you are free of your father, I will always be here. I promised your mother that. That I would be here for you after she was gone, and I will be. Whenever you need me I am a phone call away."

The tears threatening to spill flow freely down my face and Pascale opens her arms. I happily fall into them. "Thank you."

I feel her shake her head. "Never thank me for anything Devin. You may not be my daughter by blood but you are every bit my child, my love for you needs no thanks."


I walk into my brand new, or I suppose, new to me apartment that's just outside the heart of Monaco and only about a five-minute drive from Charles' place. It's nothing fancy, I can't afford anything fancy, but it's mine.

I have barely decorated yet, and there's no bedroom since it's studio style, so when I walk in I see my bed off to the corner and my desk. The best part about my apartment though is the small patio just outside the main living area where my couch is eventually going to go when I buy one. The patio runs the width of my apartment and I have one chair sitting out there right now that my landlord left me. And honestly, I'm going to keep it because it's one of those wicker egg chairs with all the cushions you could fall asleep in.

The air is still since I haven't been here in almost a month so once I close and lock my apartment door behind me and slip off my shoes I walk over to the patio and slide open the door. I close the screen just in case there is a rogue bee nest or something that's appeared on the patio while I've been staying with the Leclercs.

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