Chapter 16

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Bella's pov

We ran all the way to Sams house to tell the pack the great news, then after we are heading to Charlie's. As we ran up everyone phased and tried to attack Alice, but me, Jacob, and Seth stood firm in front of her as did Sam. Everyone was confused and we all phased back. To say they were shocked was an understatement. " what's going on and why is Bella and the leech here?"Paul said." It's because Bella phased today and imprinted on Alice. She's aloud on our land except the others and no one is to know about it besides the counsel elders got it." Sam said. Everyone nodded and gave me " welcomes and congrats." Leah seemed to get along with Alice so I was happy that at least I can have one of my close friends from my past.

10 minutes later.....

I said my good byes and we went off to my fathers house. As we rounded the road we kept horsing around with each other. Jake and Alice are racing, and me, Seth, and Sam are racing along with them. I, of course, have the advantage since they got tired and slowed down but I kept going. When I finally got there I screamed I won in front of everyone doing a silly dance.( yes I phased and am naked) We all laughed and I ran inside to get some clothes while everyone else sat in the kitchen talking amongst themselves. I grabbed a boxy shirt, some shorts, and some shoes. I made an overnight bag just in case we bunk at Sams. When I came downstairs everyone looked shocked and sad." What's wrong guys?" Seth jumped up and slid me on his lap and held me. Jake and Alice where holding my shoulders and Sam kneeled down in front of me to show me a note my father left for me. It read :

My dearest Isabella,
If you are reading this then that means you phased today. If you did congrats! I know your questioning of how I knew that well I'm here to explain. I'm not your real father. Your real father is someone down at La push and he told me not to tell you. You have to figure it out on your own. I'm sorry I kept this from you but I had no choice because at the time me and Renee couldn't have children so we accepted you as our own. Though we love you like our own daughter, you have a real family out there and your dads a great guy so when you do find him don't be mad okay. At the time there was trouble with the leeches, sorry Alice, but your father had to hide and protect you so you wouldn't get hurt. Anyways the house is all yours along with the deed and there's bank accounts I made for you in the guest room under the floor boards. Don't worry I'm fine and I'll be okay even though I'll miss you lots. I love you baby girl and before I forget don't look for me I'm long gone okay and Bella please be careful.

After I read that I didn't know what to do. Do I cry, laugh, what? I was clueless . Now I see why everyone is holding on to me. Before I knew it I was crying and having a panic attack. I let the darkness consume me....

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