7. Sleepover

453 12 10

Not proof read (never is)
Word count: 668
Your pov

It's night time right now everyone is doing their own thing being comfy and resting in their hotel beds

Before I could even sit down on my bed my phone dinged

Before I could even sit down on my bed my phone dinged

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Can you come to mine and Dallas room we need help

Fine 😭 I'll be there in a second

I sighed as I put my shoes back on after already taking them off, I swear this better be important I left the room and made my way through the carpeted hallways five doors down to their room, before I could even knock Dallas opened the door "what do you need me for?" I say all confused as I walked in their hotel room "we can't reach the chips" he said pointed to the chips on the top cabinet, my face dropped they seriously brought me all this way, for what? A BAG OF CHIPS?! I sigh "how am I suppose to get it if you can't?" Dallas was already ahead of me and was kneeling down suggesting me to get on his shoulders "I would literally brake you, no get up" I said motioning to my past insecurities "no you won't I've picked you up before your light as shit" "fine don't be complaining to me that ur shoulders are hurting" I sighed putting my legs over his shoulder ian was behind me supporting me and him on as he stood up fully, 'what the hell am I doing?' I seen the bag of chips that they wanted so I grabbed them, literally as I grabbed them the door opened to not just one person but Lizzy, Kia and Gordon just walked in "oh hey Ia- wtf are you guys doing" lizzy said motioning to me on dallas shoulder "chips?" I pointed to the bag and awkward smiled, Ian walked behind us and put his hands under my arms like a child and took me off his shoulders "thank you Ian" I smiled at him as i walked to their bed and flopped onto it, I do not care who's bed this is it's mine now.

I was about to fall asleep if someone didn't lay on top of me "what do you want" I said to whoever very annoyingly woke me up "don't fall asleep just yet we are doing a movie night" Gordon said as he jumped on the bed to keep me awake "fine I'm awake I'm awake!" He let out a little yay and wondered over to the tv remote "what does everyone want to watch?" Gordon said I looked over at everyone not even realising they had moved a bed from our room to on the floor in here between the To beds "I don't care whatever you guys want to watch, I'll fall asleep instantly anyways" I said getting under the covers of now finding out Dallas bed but he's in Ian's bed with him and Lizzy and Kia are on the mattress that's on floor together I'm guessing me and Gordon are sharing not like we haven't before but I'm kind of nervous 'why am I nervous?' You may ask but I have no idea.

I got comfortable in the bed as Gordon climbed in too.

We ended up watching (you pick)
I knew I was going to fall asleep before the intro of the movie but I didn't mind I've already watched this before with Gordon.

-Atlantis 🩵

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