Alice Part 6

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"Aren't you happy? He's gone, he won't hurt you anymore." said the same voice from months before.
Alice spun around looking for where the voice was located, but she only saw her own pathetic reflection.
"WHO ARE YOU! I WANT ANSWERS!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.
Cracked laughter filled the dark room.
"Don't you remember me, Alice? I am your best friend, your first friend. I am Zero." a long silence filled the room.
"You imagined me so I could protect you. But if I am imagined, I cannot help. so I had to find a way so I could always protect you. I am simply part of your consciousness, so if fact, I am you." the voice whispered.
"No! NO YOU AREN'T! You couldn't be....unless....are you a demon?" Alice asked shakily.
"No, no of course not. I am a friend, here to do what I was told to, all those years ago. But you ignored me after your parents death. I was very lonely, Alice. But I am getting stronger, you can't control me anymore, Alice." said the sinister voice.
My parents? Wait, I remember! Alice thought to herself.
"YOU! You told me to go into the road! You made me kill my parents!" tears flowed down her burning cheeks.
"Why, yes. I had to, they wouldn't let us play. So I couldn't protect you, because they did. So they needed to go so I could do my job. That is what you ordered me to do after all, to protect you."
Alice's cries stopped, she stood there in silence. Her entire body filled with an uncontrollable rage. Without warning she ran her fist into the mirrors, each and every one.
"You took everything away from me! Everyone is gone. I have no one! I am nothing!" She screamed as she continued to punch each of the reflective surfaces until her knuckles bled.
As she ran to the next mirror, she tripped over something. When she looked back she saw the crimson glazed sledge hammer. Picking it up she violently smashed it into everything, glass flew around the room, hitting Alice in several places. Cutting her deeply, but she couldn't feel anything anymore. She was completely void of anything at this point.
She stopped her fit of rage, violently catching he breath, standing on the glass filled floor, splattered with her own blood dripping from her hands. She glances around the room until she saw her reflection in the corner of the room, it was smiling. She ran towards it with her blunt instrument smashing herself through the mirror.

Her eyes opened slowly, blinding white light entering her eyes. The cold tile floor pressing against her aching back. She slowly sat up, seeing that she was in her bathroom, she grabbed the counter to help her up. When she finally got to her feet she looked at herself in the large mirror.
After many minutes of complete silence, she finally burst out into a fit of violent laughter. A giant smile stretched across her face.
Both her skin and hair had been completely bleached white, and large black circles surrounded her eyes, reaching from her eyebrows to cheeks.
"HAHAHA! Now this is more like it! I finally feel like myself!" she said.
"Please....leave me alone...." said the lips that were previously Alice's.
"I have.....for much too long." Zero responded.
Alice did not respond, she was gone.
"HA! I kind of look like a skeleton, but not quite." she said admiring her white complexion
She left the bathroom, walking down to the living room, grabbing some scissors, needle and tread. When she entered the bathroom again, she set down her supplies and smiled into the mirror.
"A skeleton needs her teeth." She said as she ran the sharp scissors into her cheeks, blood gushing down to chin.
The blades pinched the muscle and nerves in her flesh on each side of her face. The crimson liquid continued to pour. After the large cuts were finished and reached her face from ear to ear, she grabbed the needle and thread and began to sew her face in a vertical pattern as to look like lines across, only her mouth being free from its grasp.
Red liquid began to pour down from the open wounds. She frowned at the sight of it, as she tilted her head.
"Ugh, red. I hate that color. Remember, Alice, the blood pouring from your fathers scalp, and the red flames that consumed your mother. These colors were the last I remember before you locked me away. Best not to be reminded." she said as she bent down to the tile floor and dipped her index finger into the bleach.
She stood and bent her head back, lifting the finger above her eye, dropping the liquid into each eye. They began to sting and then burn as if they were on fire, and she couldn't see anything for a few moments. When her vision finally returned, the once crimson liquid turned into deep black blood. As she looked around, everything she saw was either a deep black, blinding white, or a faded grey. She didn't have to see the horrible color again.
Finished with her work, she walked out into the hall when she heard the phone. Walking into Alice's bedroom, and answered it.
"Hello?" She said in a sly tone.
"Alice! Oh my god, are you alright! I haven't seen you in months. I've been trying to get a hold of you for forever!" Ann spoke in a panic.
"I'm fine. Great actually." Zero giggled.
"Good! Could you come over? I got something for you!" she said excitedly.
"Hehe, yeah. I'll be right over." Zero responded, quickly hanging up afterwards

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