22 - Lando

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Devin is drunk.

I mean, I suppose everyone deserves to get a little drunk on their birthday, and Devin's never been a trashy drunk. But it seems like every guy in this building tonight has been buying her drinks.

The moment she walked up to the booth I knew I was done for, my night ruined. Mostly due to the increasingly uncomfortable situation in my jeans. She looks fucking stunning and beautiful and sexy all at the same time. The way she dances with Blake and Rebecca alone has me shifting uncomfortably in my seat because she looks just like the Devin I used to know. Confident, carefree, gorgeous.

And here I am. Just sat here watching her like a loser.

"Mate? Are you good?" Carlos nudges my shoulder from beside me. He's well on his way to drunk by now and I found myself wishing I was him. But I was stone-cold sober. I was an idiot agreeing to be DD tonight. Especially since I'm Oscar, Blake and Devin's ride back to the hotel.

"Yeah, yeah all good. Just thinking."

"Wouldn't happen to be Devin on your mind would it?" He teases and I shoot my friend a glare. He's watching Rebecca dance with Devin and Blake. 

"No," fuck yes it was, but I wasn't about to admit that to Carlos.

"Go dance with her."

"She's drunk."

"It's just a dance Lando, no harm in it. I'm sure Devin will destroy your balls if you do something she doesn't like."

I nod. She would. Only, I had no idea what she did and didn't like anymore. That scar on her stomach, the small one on her ribs. Something had happened to her to make her so protective of herself. And make Charles so punchy. 


I think of Blake and what almost happened to her last season in Monaco. Did something like that happen to Dev? The thought makes my alcohol-free stomach want to empty itself. If something like that had happened to Dev I had no idea if she wanted to be touched at all. Let alone by me.

But she'd let me hold her all night in Australia while she whimpered in her sleep.

And she'd let me touch her when I kissed her.

She'd also let men touch her all night to get them to buy her drinks.

And I'd be damned if it wasn't the biggest swell of jealousy that surfaced in my chest every time I saw the bartender hand her another drink that I didn't pay for.

Damn it.

I push past a laughing Carlos and get up from our booth. I shove my way easily through the hoards of dancing people to the bar and hail the bartender.

"Lando Norris, thought you were a safe drive home tonight?"

I nod. "I am. But that woman," I pause and point to Dev, waiting for the bartender to recognize her.

"Black dress, curly ponytail?"

"Yeah. Her drinks are on me for the rest of the night." I hand him my credit card, he takes down the information and hands it back to me. The bartender nods and I walk towards Dev. His back is to me but I see her as if there was a spotlight shining down on her like a beacon. 

Blake's eyes go wide as she sees me approaching and she snatches Devin's drink out of her hand. I ignore her as she drags Oscar and Rebecca off dancing in another direction. Dev, looking confused, looks at Blake and gives a 'what the fuck' motion with her arms. I almost laugh but the jealousy making my head hot stops me.

All I have to do is walk up behind her and she freezes. Slowly, I lean down so my breath fans her ear, her curled hair brushing against my shoulder. "Happy birthday," I whisper, just loud enough so I know she can hear me over the music.

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