a left out sibling

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I was walking near my sister and catnap and dog day but I couldn't help but chuckle when my sister made fun of my friends especially kara that's when we went in the elevator to the play care I wasn't a big fan of play care since I was in my house I still got to go to school but it was no fun being the good kid was I was little so I never had any fun but I did like writing it was my hobby till now but spending time with my sister was the best I snapped out as we were having a elevator conversation

Chris: now that's a bitch!

Mikay: no! Our other biggest problems!

Shang: oh um...

I pointed at my sister for her to do thing

Chris: ugly people?

Then I pointed at catnap as me and her looked at him because I told her about my arm being sliced off by catnap but got it back

Shang: or math

Mikay: oh gosh

I smirked so did my sister as we high five

Shang: okay okay but we here in the orphanage

I pointed and I decided to do something with my sister before we went out I whispered it to her and we both smiled as we kept it secret when we were inside play care I looked disgusted as I looked down and saw A drawing and I kept it as I heard sounds and looked around only seeing the people I know I sighed but got grabbed

Shang: oh no- wait! Our plan!

I raised my hand up and used my magic to show that I needed help as my sister saw it she flew as fast as she could and found me

Shang: thank goodness! You found me

Chris: yeah now let's go

Shang: can't I'm locked

I show her my arms

Chris: pfft with belts?

Shang: just get me out

Chris: okay okay

My sister got me out and me and her went and saw our little brother thirdy

Thirdy: CHRIS!!

My little brother ran and hugged my sister and only shouted her name I just smiled as it felt...painful but I need to pretend of course as both of them walked away as I walked behind them

Chris: hey!guys our little brother thirdy is here!

All of them: hey thirdy!

Shang: hey guys lets-

Chris: let's keep looking for more smiling critters!

Shang: but-

Thirdy: yea!

They all went to look as I felt left out again I just sighed and decided to do everything myself so I left play care then a few hours they came back

Chris: okay so everyone did anyone see any smiling critters?

Mikay: no

Tide: nope

Taptim: no not at all

Tammy: none

Catnap& dog day: no

Kara: no

Chris well that's....wait 123456789 where's shang?

Kara: let's go find her

They left play care meanwhile..I was.. err.. playing?

Some random toy: AHHHHHHHHHH

Shang: ....

Okay fine I was killing a bit of the toys here not the good ones I swear

Chris: shang are you-

Shang: no I'm nottttt....okay fine I'm killing the toys but I'm sure you guys are NOT going to care like ALWAYS

I walked away as I grabbed a chainsaw and turned it on

Shang: don't follow me

I said as kept walking

Chris: what's up with her?

Mikay:...she's jealous

Taptim: jealous?why?

Kara: we all weren't paying attention to her that's why

Dog day: a matter of fact why did she grab a chainsaw

Mikay: she's just you know having a "fun time" of hers



dog day: okay then

Catnap: let's go

(615 words😭)

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