Isolated, Desolated.

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Cold and isolated. It's surface made of metal that despite thousand and thousand of years did not stained. No, this one is special, created from the destruction of a celestial being, shattered into a million pieces, engulfing the angered disease. Hidden inside the Earth, shaped like a sphere with force field around it serving as a way for nothing to come inside or outside. While within, wires strewn all across the place with some having a sign of being rip apart, mechanical noises infect the air, giving an unnerving feeling. Despite this, however, it is not his best nor proudest creation of his, for it is only made with one and one purpose only. This is a prison made out of pure desperation, a means to an end, a sacrifice not in vain for up until whenever time made the decision to bring hell back to Earth, the creature that resides inside this divine cell will not be free. When and if the mentioned event would happen, only death and chaos will greet us through the ashes of destruction. 

Laid in the centre, in slumbers, the All Flesh. After a long bloodied fight, it ended with him being in this state of twilight. However, it is prophesied that one day the Brass Cage shall be open and the Broken God will be rebuild. The two rivals then shall battle each other again just like once before in the past.

The dawn breaks, the nights oncoming, the end closer than ever. 

Chained the old god from it's dawning. None the wiser, the cadaver of a machine.

Tainted the flesh of metal, desolating the blind god. The incisor gnawed.

Painted the stars, petals of the past wilting. The advisor's advice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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