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[english is not my first language, please correct me if there's something wrong. In here, Daisuke is taller cause i said so. :>]

It was etheral.

With a help of blur in his just woke up eyes, he may not see clearly of his own wife, but God gave his wife the most beauty that even his squinting eyes can see, further more feel it.

Daisuke was not a perfect husband, nor a father, but he's trying his best to satisfy all of his family member, not only his happines, but theirs also. Haru Kambe, is now a part of his clan, is giving Daisuke so much positive, and benefaction.

This minute, he rubbed his eyes due to the blur sight, until he heard this angelic giggle who can give him happiness anytime, anywhere, along with a soft chuckle of his wife, laughing of his own son in his arms.

Haru, carrying their 6 months old baby in his embrace, Daisuke could not feel any luckier, he is burst out of excitement of what he is seeing at the moment, actually, he might cry a little. He felt like it was his first confession, he feel it everyday once he saw Haru's smile, feeling of joy, satisfaction, relieved, he must've done something mighty in his past life. He is happy of his own life, and still counting.

"Good morning, Honey," a simple greeting, Daisuke already feel special, his heart is accompanied with flowers and affection.

Haru turned away from the baby, facing his husband, he's currently carrying their baby in one hand, other hand is full busy of making fine breakfast. Daisuke didn't even realize he smiled the whole time, from the moment he walked in the kitchen, until this second.

"You seem like in a good mood," Haru continues, now facing to his cookings.
Haru can almost do everything, on his own, Daisuke is pure impressed by his wife, for once, he didn't choose the wrong person to company his all life. Daisuke gets the feel that his family will treasure him and the baby, keeping them safe from the Kambes tragic history or any danger.

"Do i, love?" Haru shivers from the deep voice.

"You were smiling the whole time, what's up?" Daisuke got closer to the living, catching his own son babbling with his eyes focused on anywhere, curious. Bet once he learn how to crawl, he will have the adventure of Daisuke's big mansion.

"I guess i was in a good mood, but there's no reason behind it. Besides that, what are you making?" Daisuke lied. His wife, and baby is the reason. The dominant smoothly puts his arm around Haru's waist protectively, giving a few rub to the others body, but his sight couldn't snudge from his own son.

"Just a good breakfast, i made coffee if you crave some." Daisuke always get the tingles whenever Haru prepares something beyond his daily. Like a good housewife. "You know me so well, Sweetheart,"

"Could you hold Koushi, Honey?" Koushi Kambe, a father's son. From the moment Koushi existed, Koushi was all Daisuke, not a hint of Haru himself, physically, Daisuke owns it, activity, all Daisuke, even habits, Daisuke took it. They no need to test any DNA tests, it was all Daisuke's hints. It was a bit unfair for Haru. "Hey, boy. Was it nice interrupting your mama?"

"Vvbblaaaa!" Daisuke chuckles, Koushi is 6 months old, and he is physically active all the time, recently, Koushi discovered his voice, from then, he won't stop babbling gibberish. It was joy to the parents. "He won't stop making sounds, although it's quiet loud, i don't mind hearing it all the time."

"As long it's not crying sound." Daisuke continued Haru's line. Haru snorted, he is a good chef, along he is a fast chef also. He was frying seconds ago, now he is preparing bacons already with delicious smell. Both of the raven haired male tuned to watch Haru preparing breakfast, Koushi did not know what it was, but he was watching carefully of his mother, or maybe he was waiting for Haru to carry him again. Daisuke, well, Daisuke is pure simp, he just love to watch Haru rolling the housewife.

Haru is a housewife.

The mother noticed, he was being watched by four eyes. He didn't feel uncomfortable, he feel comfy, and basically silly watching the father and son looking exactly similar, with the poker face.

"Mmaa.." Once Haru took off his apron, Koushi again reaching for his arms to his mother. Lately, Koushi has attached to Haru tightly, he cries if he was to far away from his Haru. "You're a mama's boy now?"

"He's a mama's boy from the start, Daisuke. Aren't you, Koushi?" Koushi just laughs it off, attached to Haru like a sticker. Daisuke smiled, he is a teasing type of father, most likely to make Koushi cry, not any different from Koushi himself since he is 99% Daisuke.

Daisuke did not enjoy hearing Koushi cry, it was painful to hear, making his heart broken, but if the cries were made by Daisuke, it was like a joke to him, laughing, and kept playing with Koushi. That type of father, is Daisuke. Haru many times scolded him, but it brings him happiness of their weirdly bond.

Right now, they're enjoying their breakfast, Koushi was hardly to get off from Haru, he would whimper if Haru sat him to the baby chair(or something), but Haru managed to eat just fine with a baby in his other arm, Koushi is sure a mama's boy. Daisuke was not annoyed, but he feel guilty that he couldn't his wife, "He's being stubborn, love."

"No, he just misses me." Haru answered.

"Let me carry him, alright? you might not feel the pain, but i do by just seeing you carry him the whole 3 hours," Daisuke proffer his arms to Koushi, which clearly Koushi rejected, wanting to be in his mother's embrace more.

"I'm fine, Daisuke."

"You'll be much better, come on." Haru sighed, he passed the baby to Daisuke, hearing Koushi whimpering again. Daisuke was right, his body feels much lighter and fresh, but it seems that Koushi is struggling without his mother's touch, Daisuke cooed to his son, rocking him to stay peaceful. It was rough at first, but luckily, it helped the baby calm slowly.

"Does your arm feel much better?" Daisuke asked.

"Yes, thanks, Honey."

Daisuke smiled, turning his gaze to the youngster, it was much like him. Daisuke noticed every single detail, Koushi reminded him when he was the same age as the baby. Stubborn, clingy, and quite active. Although Daisuke grows up being gentlemen, and calm, they don't know what Koushi will become, hopefully, not any different from the mother, and the gentleman of his father.

Daisuke always realized, he's now a father.

Even tho is hard to believe, but he's now holding his own son, created from the sperm of his body. That sounded weird, but that's what Daisuke said in his mind.

"He's just like you. Even his eyebrows are like yours." said Haru, watching the baby snuggle to his father's embrace now. Haru didn't mind Koushi had all Daisuke's feature, it was a verification to the Kambes, and it reminded Haru more, and more of Daisuke. "But he likes you more."

"I guess that's fair. But i carried him literally 9 months, and he came out exactly like you.." Haru pouted. Daisuke chuckles quietly, a smirk began to show from his face.

"You know we can always try again for a baby that looks like you." Daisuke replied, earning a death glare from the submissive.

"I don't mind if it's you the one whose carrying it for 9 months, birth them for 2 hours." Haru replied, with a winning face.

"Yeah, but comparing your junior to mine, it has a huge differe—"

"Shut up, Daisuke."
Daisuke only chuckled, gaze on the angry wife. He then placed a gentle kiss on the taupe haired forehead, the next second was an expression of an embarrassed blushing man.

"I love you, Haru."

"..Me too."

"No, say it clearly." Now, Haru's the one giggling, "I love you too, Daisuke."


[Damn, how much did i type 'his mother' though?]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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