Broken dishes

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Everyone else is sleeping.

I think, the new contestants are just... retracted, maybe that's how they sleep? Does that mean they were almost always asleep? Do they dream? Is it just pitch blackness or do they even remember it? Is it like they... retract (lack of a better term) and then the next thing they remember is waking up?

I may never know.

Same thing about them.

I hear them, but I can't see them.

I want to know more.

Why us? What is this place? Is this a punishment of some sort? What did the others do? What did I do? How do they decide who's eliminated? Are they a god? Did they make this place? Whos the voice they talk to? What's their real name? Do they have one?

I may never know.

I can't see them.

Where am I walking too? Where is the place I'm even walking in? It seems small.

Their voice.

Their voice direction.

I can help them, maybe, I'm different then the others. I could be useful.

Where is their voice?

Where am I?

I may never know.



Narrators POV: 

We stand in front of a university, the sun hangs slightly low in the sky, and continues to slowly move down.

A grey book walks out of the university front doors, laughing, closely followed by a lime slice.

The two talk and laugh for a bit, walking towards a building on the edge of the grounds, the sign above the door says "dormitory". 

Before the two enter, a sticky note runs up to the lime slice, talking excitedly about something. The lime slice gestures at the grey book to enter without them.

The grey book nods and enters the dormitory, entering a door on the right to a staircase. She flies up the stairs two at a time, reaching the second story of the dormitory and opening a door up to a hallway lined with doors. She walks to a door 3 doors down from the stairs, takes out a key, unlocks it, and enters.

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