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With her father being set on not supporting the popular American holiday, Veronica has always spent this day either at home, watching a movie with her brother or visiting the Walters in the late afternoon, careful not to disturb their family time.

This year, her father had planned the Thankstaking event at their home and there was no way Veronica could skip that, because first off all she didn't want to, seeing as the atmosphere always had something in it, that made her heart beat faster and well, she had nowhere else to go, right?

While Veronica absentmindedly exchanged some words with her neighbor who had come by to share some of their meal with the people listening to the history behind Thanksgiving, she watched as a small group of teenagers came closer. 

Mr. Johnson left her to talk to her father for a second and soon her brother showed up at her side, a frown on his face as he watched the group come closer. "Not again," he groaned as he buried his hands in his pockets, a frown making its way on his face.

While Veronica tried to stay positive, telling him that these people could actually be interested in this event, she also couldn't help the weight that rested itself onto her heart. Just last year some teenagers had come to a similar event, organized by a close friend of her father and to say the least, it didn't go well.

They just took some photos, filmed the gathered native people and then, when they had their footage, ate all of the food while loudly chatting to each other, completely disregarding the story about the first Thanksgiving one of the elders was recounting.

Veronica really hoped that this year would be different.

And as turns out, it would really be different, seeing as this group actually consisted of Nathan, Alex and Kiley who were all close friends of her brother's, so they really didn't have to worry about them ruining this ritual.

Nevertheless, her brother went up to Nathan and questioned him about his motives for coming here, still suspicious since he had never seen the Walters here. Quickly, before Nathan could reply to Skylar's hostile attitude, Veronica intervened and told her now favorite Walter, "Don't mind him, Nathan, he's just worried about you all causing trouble."

Veronica wanted to say more to him and maybe chat a bit, however, her father called for her help in getting new beverages and off she went, leaving the two boys to themselves.

The little get together was finished and now, since it was close to afternoon, Veronica realized that maybe, this year she shouldn't go to the Walters.

What if she and Cole would fight and ruin the holiday for all of them? That was the last thing she wanted to happen.

Deciding to first clean up and then contemplate how she would spend the rest of the day, Veronica picked up some cups near the table where Alex and Kiley were standing, waiting for Nathan to come to them, who was talking to her brother, once again.

It was good to see the two of them get along so well.

Out of nowhere, someone tapped her shoulder and as Veronica turned around, she was faced by Alex, who had gathered several cups in his hand.

"I wanted to ask if you're coming by today?" he asked her, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "It's just that I noticed Cole and you weren't talking that much lately and well, I wanted to let you know that everyone would be happy if you were to come by, especially Parker and Benny."

A smile made its way on the girl's face, her eyes watering as she thought about how kind this was of Alex; she knew that she was like a part of the family to them, but never thought that it was to this extent. "Thank you Alex, I think I'll take you up on that offer and come by later."

Alex smiled and went off, as awkwardly as he always did.

Veronica watched him leave with a smile on her face, glad to know that she could still enjoy this day with her second family, because that was what the Walters had become to her – something like a family.

HOPE speaks!

i split this chapter into two because I had over 2000 words in total but actually wanted to ask you:

do you prefer longer or shorter chapters?

it's a genuine questions since if I know this I could try and adapt the chapter length to what you guys prefer.

well, I'll publish the other part tomorrow since I haven't edited it yet and will go to sleep now.

Love you lots <3

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