Ch-20 " What do you want kitten?"

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Hyunjin and Minho sat in a cozy café, a sanctuary amidst the city's chaos. The scent of coffee permeated the air, blending with the soothing hum of conversation. Minho's eyes glimmered as he shared tales of his recent dance rehearsals, his gestures painting vivid pictures in the air.

Hyunjin leaned in, captivated by Minho's every word. His heart swelled with pride, seeing the passion radiate from Minho's being. As Minho spoke, Hyunjin's fingers traced patterns on the table, lost in thought.

Outside the café window, the city buzzed with life, but in this moment, it felt like time stood still for Minho and Hyunjin. They were in their own world, where worries melted away, and only their connection mattered.

Hyunjin flashed a mischievous grin, his eyes alight with playful energy. "So, Minho, are you going to show off those dance moves of yours later? Maybe dazzle the whole café with a spontaneous performance?"

Minho chuckled, shaking his head. "As tempting as that sounds, I think I'll spare the café patrons today. Besides, I'm enjoying our little tête-à-tête too much to steal the spotlight."

Hyunjin leaned back in his chair, feigning disappointment. "Ah, what a shame! I was hoping to see you bust a move right here, right now. Maybe I'll have to settle for a private show later?"

Minho's cheeks flushed slightly at the suggestion, but he matched Hyunjin's playful tone. "You never know, Hyunjin. I might just surprise you one of these days. But for now, let's enjoy the peace and quiet."

With a laugh, they returned to their conversation, the gentle banter adding an extra layer of warmth to their already close bond.


As Hyunjin maneuvered the car through the city streets, Minho couldn't resist breaking the comfortable silence. "Hey, Hyunjin, how about we have a fight date when we get home?"

Hyunjin glanced at Minho with a playful smirk. "A fight date? You mean like our powers practice in the backyard? I'm up for it."

Minho's eyes sparkled with excitement as he leaned closer, teasingly brushing his fingers over Hyunjin's thigh. "Exactly! It's been ages since we last did that. But focus on the road, love."

Hyunjin's attention wavered for a split second, his foot reflexively hitting the brake. Minho burst into laughter at the sudden jolt, his infectious joy filling the car as they continued on their journey home.

Hyunjin's mind raced as he navigated through Minho's playful antics. He couldn't help but gulp nervously, wondering what Minho truly wanted from him. First, Minho had warned him not to start a game Hyunjin couldn't finish, then confessed his own commitment issues, and agreed to take things slow between them. But despite all this, Minho continued to send hints and flirtatious gestures, like that morning at breakfast when he practically undressed Hyunjin . If it weren't for the glass barrier separating them, Hyunjin was certain Minho would have pounced on him right then and there.

Then there was that time during their mutual pleasuring session when Minho begged to have him, making Hyunjin's heart race with desire. And let's not forget how Minho always managed to take care of him, even when he was busy with his own responsibilities. What was Hyunjin to make of all this?

As if that wasn't enough, Minho haunted Hyunjin's dreams, appearing naked and marked with hickeys and a 'Sarang' tattoo, his hair a different color that somehow made him even more irresistible. And now, in the midst of driving, Minho had teased him, almost causing an accident. Hyunjin couldn't help but think, "Oh, Lee Minho, you're certainly doing a number on me."

As Hyunjin glanced at Minho, the streetlights cast a soft glow on his features, highlighting the subtle curve of his lips. He could practically feel Minho's gaze on him, his eyes tracing every contour of his face. It was a silent exchange, but the tension between them spoke volumes.

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