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Maybe I was wrong, and you were right?
But I didn't want to have that talk.. A minute.. of your time?
No, I just wanted to feel like I belong in this big world that's not black and white but different types of gray..
Under the stairs of the big school is where we met
Your green eyes
My red eyes
How could we be in the same school
Waiked the same hallways
And I didn't notice you

Your love for books..
Different from my type
I mean, you were a lot different
I used to go for the girls
Who are
..I mean It was a perfect match for me, who loves sports with a female always supporting me at my side.. but never taking my spotlight.
But you?
A boy who loved books and can talk about them for hours and hours every night and also dreamed of writing his own book.
Honestly, I didn't see us working out like.. at all.
You didn't like coming to my games, but when you did, you were too shy to cheer..
It pissed me off..
How you didn't follow my plans. .
Or any plans.. god
I remember our first date, the plan was dinner at a restaurant then the movie but no... no, you got there late, so we lost our table.. and me trying to save the day .. we took a waik in the park..
Have I ever told you that I like you.. you just talk so fast without even thinking of the words that were being said..
I could send you to the store for food and you'll come back with two kittens and no food.. The blonde fluffy kitten we named boom and the black kitty we named Olive..
I remember one time in the mail
I got an acceptance letter to a university I've been trying to get into, and you ran into the house squealing like little girl, who got her favorite doll. It took minutes until you calmed down enough to tell me that I got accepted. But I was strangely not happy..

I was gonna move a good couple of states away, and you were just going to a local university in your hometown.. it piss me off that you weren't sad that I was moving away, but you smiled and said that you were so happy for me. However, at the time, I couldn't understand.. like that was the end, I mean..

Everything you did piss me off, I couldn't understand why, and I questioned what was I even doing? I was dating a dude? Who was a couch potato if I ever saw one? Definitely after a trip from the bookstore and you prefer to be inside, you didn't like sports, and I had to remind you constantly! to take care of yourself! Like God! if I wasn't there, you would be lost without me!!
But there were good things to dating you.. like you are the sweetest person I've ever met, and you understand my emotions better than I did? which I didn't understand how that was even possible? But somehow it was and you've gave me space when I needed it but when I didn't need space but I was telling you to fucking leave me alone, you saw though me and stayed by my side..

But I remember before we got together I asked you if you wanted to play basketball, you said that you couldn't today but you could tomorrow and I didn't think much of it but later on when we got together, you told me the reason why you said that, was because you went to the bookstore that night and bought books about how to play basketball haha didn't matter, I still beat your ass at basketball The next day.. you can't read a book about singing and then become a fucking singer.. it takes skill . . Books can't get you that.. yeah maybe it could tell you how to get the skills but that's about it..
When it was getting close to my leaving day.. you pulled a lot of all nighters.. so you slept all day.. I didn't mind it much.. I didn't want to talk about me leaving anyway. but I did get a little lonely In the apartment that we bought together.. but poison is bittersweet.. this all was just poison and for years I'm just been filling my cup and It's about full, so might as well get a sip

But Let me tell you the story from the beginning where the poison began..

Izuku Midoriya..
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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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