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MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT — I'm on Patreon, my husband and I are writing new stories for you guys, and I'm going to publish Captive of the Sea!

Hello everyone! I apologize for my prolonged silence on Wattpad. My life has undergone many changes in the last few years that have contributed to my inability to write: I joined the Army (bad decision), I moved to another city and started university, I got married a year ago (good decision), etc. etc... Now I have settled into my marriage and am set to graduate from university with a degree in anthropology in August, and my husband and I are moving back home to be closer to our families.

All that being said, I am now pursuing writing full-time! Writing has always been my dream, and now I am finally in a place to start a new chapter of that journey.

The question you might be asking is: what is that going to look like?

After much deliberation, I have decided to start a page on Patreon! Patreon is a platform that allows me to receive funding in the form of monthly subscriptions, which — if we can get enough traction — will allow me to transition to writing full-time for you guys, producing stories and content for your pleasure and leisure.

There will be two monthly subscription tiers at $5 and $10 at this time. Allow me to briefly explain!

Tier 1: Allie's Library / $5 — full access to all my works (new and old), frequent updates about the writing process, my notes and outlines for different projects, and general life updates.

Tier 2: Allie's Journal / $10 — full access to everything in Tier 1 plus a peek inside my head: articles and journal entries about why I write what I write, thoughtful analysis of my stories, insight on my characters and how I feel about them, more about my personal life, and details about my approach to writing, such how I aesthetically cultivate my environment to put myself in the headspace for writing.

I'm also super excited to introduce you guys to my husband on Patreon as he will also be a contributing author! We have been collaborating on stories that we are really excited to share with you, and he has his own short stories and other works that will be published to the Patreon page as well. He's been instrumental at helping me make all this a reality. It's amazing to be able to write and be creative with the love of my life!

I want this to become my full-time job, and I really want this endeavor to be worth it for all of you. I want the tiers to be full of content that is worth your time and money as my husband and I consistently add quality stories and content to the best of our ability that we hope will add new depths of richness and value to your reading experience.

One of my main goals at the outset of this adventure is to get COTS published! So the subscription proceeds won't only give me the room to write full-time, but significant portions will go towards the expense of publishing COTS and making hard copies available internationally.

But if you're not able to contribute at this time, please do not despair! THERE WILL STILL BE FREE CONTENT. Stories like "Captive of the Sea" will remain free on Wattpad and Patreon for your continued re-reading, as will some short stories and announcements.

Your word of mouth is also incredibly valuable and sharing links to my stories, my Patreon, my Wattpad, etc. really helps a lot!

Also, to be crystal clear, I am not leaving Wattpad completely! I will still post lots of announcements and updates here about the publication process of COTS and other things, but most of the new content I produce will be uploaded to Patreon only.

I know this is a lot of information all at once, so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out and I will try my best to explain whatever I need to in more detail. There is also more information on my Patreon ( ).

Now, on to a sneak peek list of a few of the new projects I am working on with brief synopses.

· A Realm of Ash and Stars (working title) – On the planet of Oasis, a scorched world forgotten by history, Velsryn Vayne must choose her destiny as one who returns to the dust of her planet or one who survives despite the odds. As a member of an order of warriors committed to protecting and preserving the tribes of her planet, Velsryn stumbles upon secrets that could change everything, not just for Oasis, but worlds across her galaxy.

· Thea's Wolves rewrite and sequel (working titles) – Thea thought she knew who Killian was, she thought she knew what he was, and she was satisfied with the answers she gave herself. But when she is thrust back into the world of innocent blood and vengeful claws, she is faced with a truth that is far darker than she ever expected.

· Reverse of the Curse: The Unwitching (working title) – Agnes Wryn lives in a land where magic and witchcraft are the means to satisfying all your heart's desires. But when she meets Lucas, her world is turned upside-down, provoking her to ask questions about truth and existence. Her paradigm of what magic actually is becomes shattered, propelling her on an adventure with Lucas to overcome demons of darkness.

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