Chapter 22

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A/N: Remember this is in Hayes point of view.

When I woke up this morning I couldn't stop watching Ashley sleep. She was beautiful.

I think her personality was the prettiest thing she had.

There was a knock on the door and a letter flew under it.

I got up and opened the letter.

"Hayes, I see that Ashley is going to die soon. I'm very sorry, better not leave her side. I may have helped her a little to go up to heaven. Me and you still have unfinished business, when Ashley dies it's me and you."

My heart sank.

What did he mean by 'I may have helped her a little'?

I immediately ran out the room telling the nurse I had unfinished business and I'll be back soon.

I didn't know where I was going, but I know someone has answers.

Someone such as Hank Little.

I went to grade school with him, his handwriting looked exactly like the person who has been messing with me.

I arrived at his house and knocked.

He answered not too long after.

"Funny seeing you here at my house." he said sarcastically.

"The funny thing is you have always been jealous of me and Ashley and now you have been writing me letters!"

"I don't know what you are talking about, you have the wrong person."

Could I be wrong?

Before I knew it, I did what I should have done a long time ago.

I had a knife and slit his throat.

Shortly after I cleaned the crime scene I went back to the hospital to see Ashley.

When I got there her room was empty.

I ran up to the nurses station, "Where the fuck is Ashley?" I repeated it over and over.

Every time I got the same sad look.

"What? Tell me!"

"Hayes, I am very sorry, but Ashley didn't make it."

I fell down to my knees and began crying.

I felt my heart sink down to my feet.

My wife, my everything died.

"Mr.Grier?" the doctor said.

I looked up.

"We do have somewhat good news."

"What is it?"

"You're wife was 8 months pregnant and we saved you're baby."

I lost my wife and had another baby I didn't even know about all in one day.

I couldn't stand looking at the doctors anymore. Telling me how sorry they were. I just couldn't do it.

I sped away hoping to run into a tree and have a wreck or something, but I managed to get home safely.

I went to her room and ontop of her nightstand was a diary.

She must have been writing in this for awhile because the first page she wrote on said "February 7, 2012" and it's now 2015.

Maybe I could find something that had to do with why she knew she was pregnant and never told me.

I went to March 2015 and read about 9 pages front and back until I came across one that answered my question.

"March 10, 2015.
So earlier today I found out that I was pregnant. I can't tell Hayes, he just found out I had cancer.. He thinks it's not cureable but it is! I just don't want them to cure it because if so it'll kill my baby and I'm a mother. I sacrifice my self for my kids. I just hope I can live long enough to see my baby's face."

She lied to me.

But I guess it was for the best. She was right, she's a mother, you sacrifice yourself for you're children. I would rather have my children alive than myself. I just wish the wreck would have taken my life instead of Thomas.

Boy do I miss him.

I'm a parent, a father, I need to go be with my newborn baby.

When I arrived at the hospital Ashleys doctor directed me to our baby's nursery.

When I first saw her face I fell in love.

It was like meeting Taylor and Thomas again, but this time it's my fourth baby.

That sounds bad, but I don't care. Only 3 of them made it to see the world.

I held her and sat down in a rocking chair.

Since my wife had cancer and she was only pregnant for 7 months, our baby was very tiny. She was actually a healthy baby considering the way her mom was.

I'm deciding on naming her 'Sidney Ashton Grier.' Sidney was my grandmothers name, Ash for Ashley and Ashton for my brother who passed away 5 years ago.

The more I looked at Sid the more I saw Ashley in her.

Sidney had Ashleys blonde hair, blue eyes, soft skin, and her nose. She truly is a miracle and my life.

I called Mr and Mrs Johnson to come meet their new grand baby.

"I have someone at the hospital that I want yall and Taylor to come meet."

I was so nervous on what they would say.

"Sounds good. On our way."

I wonder if they already knew. I mean they were her parents.

I heard Mrs.Johnson's heels clacking on the floor so I knew they were coming.

I stood up and waited for them to come in.

They walked in and gave me a strange look as to why I was holding a baby.

"Who is this?" Mrs.Johnson said.

"This is Sidney Ashton Grier."

"Grier? She's yours?" Mr.Johnson said.

"Yes. Ashley was 7 months pregnant and that's why she didn't get her cancer cured. She wanted to have this baby."

"Daddy! I have a little sister!"

Taylor was so excited.

"Yes baby. Wanna hold her?"

Taylor jumped up and down in excitement. I knew this was going to work out good.

"Well we're gonna be leaving. Please do it contact us again. Our daughter is dead because of that monster that you are calling a daughter!" Mrs.Johnson shouted and Mr.Johnson shaking his head in agreement.

"Shame on yall! How do you even call yourselves grandparents or parents at all?" , I took a deep breath, "You walked out on Ashley when Thomas died and now you are walking out on all of us when Ashley is dead! If you take one look at Sidney you would fall in love. She looks like Ashley. Exactly like her. That's you guys loss. Not hers, Taylor's, or mine. Now bye. and don't come back."

They looked at me in shock like did I really just do that then they walked out the room.


"Yes baby?"

"I miss mommy. So much."

"I know, I miss mommy too. Just think she's up there with Thomas in a happy place watching over us."

By the time I looked on my watch it was 10:30pm.

The nurses put a cot in the nursery that Sidney was staying in for a few days.

I laid Sidney in her incubator and laid Taylor down with me on the cot and fell asleep.

Up next: Hayes finds out a secret that Ashley has been keeping for the last 8 months.

Pregnant With Hayes Grier's Baby. (completed)Where stories live. Discover now