new zealand

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𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧 and 𝐦𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐠

liked by nicolassturniolo, dylanhoffman, milomanheim and 96,197 others

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liked by nicolassturniolo, dylanhoffman, milomanheim and 96,197 others

malachibarton so excited to join the cast of #zombies4 @disneychannel @disneyplus

nicolassturniolo SOO PROUD OF U @michaelawong
michaelawong THANK YOU NICK ILY

michaelawong new disney power duo fr
malachibarton so excited to work with you fr🤞


milomanheim WELCOME TO THE FAM!
michaelawong so honoured to work with the milo manheim😮‍💨
malachibarton thanks bro! cannot wait

ariana_greenblatt my bestfriends
malachibarton ganggg
michaelawong ily ari

user6 watch them get together

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"michaela?" i heard a masculine voice speak from behind me

"oh hi malachi, hi felicia!" i said greeting malachi and his mom

"hi sweetie" his mom said pulling me into a hug, shes the sweetest i barely even know her

"how have u been?" malachi asked pulling me into a side hug

"i've been good! it's been a while" i smile

"yea im so glad to be working with you"

malachi and i became friends many years ago after ariana introduced us after i was crushing on him in 6th grade, but we didn't speak to eachother much. but damn hes got cuter

"are we on the same flight?" i said gesturing to his boarding pass

"here check" he said passing me his boarding pass

"looks like were near eachother too" i said smiling at him

"i'm gonna go sit at the gate, you kids can bond and go get food or something" his mom said smiling at me

"k text me if u want anything" malachi said to his mom

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"now boarding first class zone 1 for flight ax604 to new zealand" spoke the captain over the microphone

the three of us stood up going to the of the line with passports in hand

"boarding passes please?" asked the flight attendant grabbing our passports and scanning our passes

"thank you! enjoy your flight"

"michaela you can take my seat next to malachi if u want sweetie" said felicia with her hand on my back

"really? thank you!" i smile

"of course, you guys need to get closer before filming"

"13 hour flight" malachi said stretching before sitting

"this is gonna be a long 13 hours"

shortly after everyone boarded, we buckled our seatbelts preparing for take off

"wait i should pay for wifi and go live" i said looking at malachi like i just had the best idea ever


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐘, malachi bartonWhere stories live. Discover now