𝟎𝟎𝟖. capture the flag

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THE SCORCHING HEAT of the sun has become unbearable for Valeria and the rest of the blue team as they stand beneath it, dressed head to toe in their battle armor for the fourth game of Capture the Flag.

Valeria's chest piece has been smeared with royal blue paint in several areas, her long hair styled into a loose braid going down her spine while a helmet with blue horsehair sticking out the top covers the rest of her skull. She holds a bronze sword in her dominant right hand, a matching shield being strapped to her left forearm for additional protection (by Annabeth's demand).

She glances around her, eventually looking over at Percy. He stands closely behind Luke and Chris at the frontlines of their side of the forest.

At some point during the night, Annabeth decided to recruit Percy for his assistance in going up against the red team, though Valeria is still unsure of what exactly Percy will be helping out with. Regardless, Valeria refuses to question the Athena girl's logic — so she's simply going to oblige to whichever task she'll be assigned for this match.

Clarisse, whose own body armor is painted in red, takes her spot towards the edge of the small ravine with her spear in hand. Her eyes slowly travel across her opponents, glaring at Percy specifically once she finds him in the crowd. The boy swallows nervously at this.

"The first team to retrieve the opposing flag and return it across the river shall be the victor!" Chiron declares, his voice booming loudly. His next choice of words is intended for the Ares children, who usually ignore the repeated warning anyways. "As always, there will be no maiming or killing. I trust these rules will be respected. Any magical items you possess, are permitted as well."

While Chiron goes on to explain more of the game's regulations, Percy hesitantly looks down to the bullet point pen in his grasp, thumb hovering over the cap.

"It's okay," Luke whispers, seemingly noticing Percy's contemplation. "Let her rip."

"I still don't even know what my job is," Percy mentions, breathing out quietly and shrugging a shoulder. "Maybe I won't even need a sword."

Chiron exclaims, "Let the games begin!" and as if on cue, Clarisse and her allies let out threatening battle cries. Their shouts echo through the air and reverberate off the trees, along with the slamming of their spears and swords against their shields to further emphasize their aggression. Valeria presses her lips together to hide her amused smile at their actions and Percy's facial expression.

Percy blinks. "I'm gonna need a sword."

The thunderous blow of the conch shell is heard not long after, and everyone has begun to split off into their own sections and move through various paths of the forest. Valeria eventually finds herself with Luke and Percy, watching as Annabeth approaches them with a determined look on her features.

"All right. We have twenty minutes before the second conch, and game-on. You know what you're doing?"

Luke nods. "Yes, ma'am."

"Val, you go with him," Annabeth instructs.

Valeria agrees, brushing the strands of hair dangling in her line of sight away from her eyes. "Sounds good to me."

𝐝𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲, l. castellanWhere stories live. Discover now