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Naruto was bored. The fights with his bullies weren't enough to satisfy him.

The boy's life would change when he met Danzo.

Naruto's journey under Danzo's tutelage diverges sharply from the path of a traditional ninja to something far more intense and shadowy. With his insatiable hunger for battle,he is thrust into a world where the line between right and wrong blurs.

Phase 1: Mental Conditioning

The training begins with breaking down Naruto's identity to rebuild him as a perfect soldier for Danzo's Root. He undergoes rigorous psychological conditioning designed to suppress his emotions, particularly his inherent empathy and bonds with others. Naruto is taught the harsh realities of the shinobi world through controlled exposure to traumatic scenarios, enhancing his resilience and obedience. This phase aims to instill unwavering loyalty to Danzo and the Root organization.

Phase 2: Physical Endurance and Combat Skills

Naruto's physical training is brutal and relentless. He is pushed to his limits daily, enhancing his stamina, strength, and agility. Danzo introduces him to a variety of combat styles, focusing on those that promote stealth, assassination, and the efficient disposal of enemies. Naruto learns to master his chakra control under extreme conditions, often practicing for days without rest.

With Danzo discovering Naruto's innate affinity for wind release,a rare and potent nature transformation, his training intensifies, focusing on mastering this elemental power to its fullest potential. Wind release, known for its ability to cut and tear through almost anything, becomes a cornerstone of Naruto's development under Danzo's ruthless guidance.

Naruto learns the basics of wind manipulation.

The initial phase of this specialized training involves Naruto learning to manipulate wind chakra on a fundamental level. Danzo and his team of Root instructors introduce Naruto to the concept of chakra flow and control, teaching him to infuse his chakra with the natural element of wind. This phase is arduous, requiring Naruto to maintain intense focus and control over his chakra, a skill that is painstakingly developed through countless hours of meditation and practice.

Once Naruto grasps basic wind manipulation, his training progresses to weapon infusion. Danzo emphasizes the strategic advantage of wind-enhanced weaponry, demonstrating how to imbue kunai, shuriken, and even blades with wind chakra to increase their lethality. Naruto learns to extend his wind chakra beyond his body, creating blades of wind that can slice through solid rock. This skill not only augments Naruto's arsenal but also teaches him the importance of precision in combat.

Understanding the versatility of wind release, Danzo ensures Naruto masters its mobility-enhancing capabilities. Naruto is put through grueling exercises designed to increase his agility and speed, using wind chakra to propel himself with bursts of speed or to execute high-speed maneuvers that make him a difficult target to hit in battle. This phase of training also includes learning how to create powerful gusts for defensive maneuvers, able to deflect projectiles and create openings in enemy defenses.

Lastly, Danzo teaches Naruto how to use his wind release for stealth operations. This includes creating silent breezes to mask sounds, using wind to misdirect or confuse enemies, and even manipulating air currents to hide his movements. Naruto learns to become like the wind itself, unseen, unfelt, and deadly in its precision. This training cements his role as a formidable assassin for Root, capable of taking down targets without leaving a trace.

Under Danzo's tutelage, Naruto becomes a master of wind release, his abilities honed to a razor's edge. Yet, this power comes at a great cost to his soul and humanity, as each lesson drags him further away from the path of the typical ninja and deeper into the shadows of the world that Danzo inhabits.

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