Chapter 1 the first day

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"Come on Alyssa you're going to be late!!!" I hear my mom scream from downstairs as I lay in bed looking at the ceiling. Today I am officially starting at a new school. Ever since mom met my step dad after my dad died she has completely changed. Now we have moved states away from the place I loved and called home.

I sigh as I get up from my bed glancing at all the now almost empty boxes from unpacking before grabbing a white skirt and baby blue top and changing.

I slowly pick up my backpack contemplating if this fresh start at a new school was worth it before heading downstairs.
"Okay bye mom I'm going to school", I say before slowly walking out the door.I catch a smile forming on my mom's face as she sees I'm doing fine, but as long as she's happy I will be too.

At school

As I enter the ginormous building I glance around trying to find the office to get my schedule.
"Uhm hello?", I turn around to see a girl with dark brown hair staring at me. "Are you alyssa?",she asks. I nod slowly before she continues, "Hello I'm Mari!! I'm the one who will be showing you around the school, have you gotten your schedule yet?", she asks curiously.

"Oh I was actuallyjust trying to find it" I say scratching my neck trying to find my necklace awkwardly.

"Okay! It's right over here, follow me!", Mari says before spinning around and walking towards a room before knocking on the door. "Come in", I hear faintly before slowly opening the door.

"Why hello dear, you must be Alyssa correct?", she asks with a bright smile
"Yes I'm here for my schedule", I reply nicely she stands up from behind the desk before reaching into a folder for a paper. She hands me the schedule before smiling once more.
"Here you go, just let me know if you ever need anything", she says when she opens the door for me and Mari to exit.

Me and Mari step out into the hallway before I hand her my schedule.
"Oo yikes", I hear her say I give he an confused look waiting for her to explain what's wrong.
"You have science for 6th", she goes on, "The hot rich boy is in that class!!" She says after squealing.

"Oh right sorry" , she says as she continues to walk through the hallway to show me my classes
Thankfully for the first day I just get to walk around and find out where everything is.


End of first chapter sorry if it's very short this is my first story. I've read multiple stories and always thought of making my own but thought nobody would ever want to read them.

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