Acceptance = Fluff

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Y'all remember when I said the plot would start soon? 🤣

Charlie POV
Yesterday was a lot to take in and I'm sure there's more information to get from my wife but today is an relaxation day for us and yes I realized I said wife it's called....whats that saying? Manifesting? Yeah that. That beautiful, divine, intelligent, and caring human being (and I say that loosely) will be my wife sooner than she knows. There are so many questions for me and to be quite honest I'm scared, not of my wife but of what I can't protect us from.

'Good morning.' *Kisses her head* How did you and bumble bee sleep?' "We slept pretty good. So..." 'My love, right now let's not talk about the supernatural I just want to show you how much I love you because there's no universe where I will not love you nor accept you for who you are. Ok?' *Nia nods her head.* 'Good because I made breakfast and your favourite passion fruit tea with mint leaves. "Thank you my love, so what do you think about me moving in?" "I know I was against the idea at first but it would eventually happen anyway, right?"  'Damn, I owe Ava some money!' Charlie laughs "Y'all betted on me? I would feel offended but I'm more disappointed that you made a losing bet, my love I expect better from you!" Nia teased. 'Well, you moving in makes up for money.'
A/N: Short Filler Chapter. Manifesting a productive month of writing. Creative block who?
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Hope you enjoy,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2024 ⏰

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