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I could remember everything clearly. The bubbly feeling in my stomach. The air escaping my lungs and refusing to return. The feeling of Death yanking me down the stairs by my hair all the way to the Gates of Hell. The flashes of heat and light as hell came into view. The searing pain of the hot metal gates as Death forced me against them, and whispered in my ear.

"Once and for all." He hissed, and I remember crying in anguish. Cursing him breathlessly. Begging for mercy. And receiving none at all. I remember the gates giving way to the pressure of my burned body, and Death pushing me forward. I stumbled over the uneven path, trying to right myself. Death kept a strong, bony grip on my shoulder, leading me on towards the high shadows in the distance. Death's palace.

Welcome home. I thought bitterly to myself as we approached the crooked mansion. The giant doors creaked open as we got near, like in all the movies. He pushed me forward, and I could almost sense his soundless laugh. All of the sudden, I felt cold human hands wrap around my wrists. I cried out as Cain tightened his ice cold grip, and I stumbled behind him, with Death still at my heels.

"Come on Princess." The Cain muttered. His skin was a ghost white, his veins black rivers against it. I felt hot tears trickle down my face like small fires against my ice cold cheeks. And at that moment I knew. I knew how I died.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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