Chapter 4

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Chapter written by: Charlotte


Dominique's POV

The plan was simple.

Clean, efficient, foolproof, and most importantly of all; exceptionally amusing.

A court social gathering was to be held tomorrow night in the Erikson's royal ballroom. It's purpose was not clearly stated, but if Dominique's hunch was correct, it was all about creating a false sense of security after Prince Amir's death. The King probably wanted to assure his royal court that everything was fine, and the kingdom was in good hands. There was bound to be some mentions of funeral plans and mentions of mourning, but given the King and Queen's wardrobe choices, there would be no real sadness behind whatever speech they deigned to give at the party.

No, there would only be a false sense of grief- a quick, sad little mask. Because this party was all an illusion for the public. It was a show, a display of the royal family's control and wealth. A message to their court assuring them to continue on with their celebrations and folly, their gold and their greed.

Which, of course, meant it was an absolutely perfect party to ruin.

Dominique would send her own message, one that would make all attending realize that they were utterly powerless. Unprotected and weak against the forces of the ECL.

Anyone in support of the royal family, noble or not, was not safe.

Tonight, Dominique would make sure that nobody forgot that fact.

More accurately, it would be Blake and Lyra that sent 'the message'. During the party, Dominique would be the distraction while Blake and Lyra slipped away from the crowd to spill some noble blood. Naturally, Amber rather disliked the very mention of murder, and decided to stay at the base and prepare her healer's station in case of a medical emergency. Dmitri wasn't quite comfortable in party settings, so he was tasked with keeping Amber company at the base while she did whatever it was that she planned to do.

Dominique appreciated Amber's thoughtfulness, but doubted there would be any need for medical attention. Lyra and Blake were exceptional at quick, discreet assassinations, and would be met with little to no resistance. Nobles may hold the wealth of thousands in their hands, but, those hands couldn't wield a sword if their petty lives depended on it. For that reason, most of the royal guards would also be stationed in the ballroom, where they could keep an eye on the revelers.

After the deed was done, Blake and Lyra would flee through a pre-planned pathway. Dominique would stay at the party until someone discovered the body, which would hopefully bring an end to the night. Either way, she was determined to make the most of her night, she would ensure that it was perfect.


The morning of the court party, Dominique was restless. After uselessly pacing around her office, she decided to focus her energy on looking her best for the event. She was going to be the distraction after all, so she supposed that she would make herself a gorgeous one.

Stepping into the bathroom across the hallway, Dominique prepared her tools. Rouge for her cheeks, powdered kohl to line her eyes, and her favorite red lipstick. She slowly smeared and smudged the makeup, drawing on her disguise, her armor. Once she had finished, Dominique grinned at her reflection. As always, she looked perfect.

The next few hours were comprised of other grooming tasks; styling her curls into a chic up-do that framed her face, applying a sweet perfume, and most importantly, choosing her dress. After rustling through her wardrobe for a while, Dominique eventually picked a dusty rose gown from her collection. It was made of chiffon and gathered georgette, hugging her curves and cinching her waist with laces that ran up the back. It's neckline plunged downward, but not low enough to be considered scandalous.

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