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🍰 .*•'°. ♡

Y/n is known as the prettiest angel in school, and she was in love. deeply in love, one might say

Her soft, clear skin her plump rosy lips with lip gloss and gorgeous h/c hair. she was perfect she had a sweet signature scent that you could smell and realize it was her immediately. her well done polished nails she never seemed to have a bad day as she always had a smile on her face she was so bubbly and happy you could almost see her friendly aura from across the room. It was like bad hair days were none existent to her

Her personality was her best trait she made sure everyone felt welcomed she was kind and friendly, and for that, people loved her she was so understanding and gorgeous.

So when the girls found out about her crush It was a sad sight for most in the her class and grade she was well liked a kind soul most call her an angel yet she dropped to her knees for a boy most girls in her grade found mediocre at best

Hinata shoyo

She sighed dreamily, thinking about him, and seeing him in the halls made her knees weak she was hoping one day he'd notice her he always past by her in the halls sparing her only one glance before walking away

And well for the rest of the school, people were wondering how hinata got so lucky and why wasn't he being grateful such an angelic girl to have her eyes souly set on him

Hinata was an energetic boy happily talking to his friend kageyama in the halls on his way to somewhere, walking past the girl swooning next to him, almost as if she was invisible

The raven haired boy always spared her a glance though looking as if enamored as his walking slowed down yet he knew her gazes weren't for him he shook his head walking with his annoying ginger friend. 'How lucky is he,' kageyama thought to himself as his lips turned into a pout.

"What are you thinking about kageyama?" Hinata laughed confused as his smile still brightly shined

"Nothing, you idiot," kageyama rolled his eyes. He couldn't lie he envied hinata for his luck. 'Maybee, she liked him for his personality or smarts?' He thought to himself

As kageyama thought that Hinata proceeded to accidently hit his face into a wall

'Never mind, it's definitely his looks...' he doubted the girl would like an airhead like hinata souly for his brains... or annoying personality

The ravennet felt a light bulb light up in his head as he gently picked up a piece of his raven hair looking at it as he mumbled "ill dye my hair ginger.." That has to be her type, right? Why else would she like this idiot

"Kageyama what the fuck are you talking about" hinata laughed confused at the ravens random claim of dying his hair ginger

"SHUT UP" The ravennet felt his cheeks get red embarrassed he slapped the back of his friends head for even hearing his own personal conversation

"Owww asshole!" The ginger whined

The h/c haired girls lips purse, holding in her dusted pink face from humiliation she sighed, holding onto her notebook tightly soon she heard someone speak up and broke the akward tension after she was ignored yet again.

ROMANCE BEGINS! haikyuu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now