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Pacific Ocean

Year: 2160

The mighty king opens his eyes, it has been a century since his two battles with the giant primate and the battle with his metallic imposter, and while he was grateful for the former since he saved him from being killed by the thing that 'they' created, he will remind him who was king if he shows up on the surface world again. However the world feels... Different. Almost like it has negatively changed since he went to hibernate in his lair in the Deep Hollows. What happened up there while he was hibernating? He didn't know, but he did sense a strong energy signal which has been bothering him for the past few days but ignored it for the most part since if it involved 'them', he would rather not get involved in their affairs anymore, but since it was much stronger than the last time, he decided to get up and investigate the source of this signal since he didn't recognize it for the most part.

It didn't take him that long to get in the general area of this unknown energy signal since he took the tunnels which lead into the Deep Hollows, the World beneath the World, to quickly get him where he is needed most on the surface world. He peeked out of the water and began to search for whatever creature or thing emitted this energy signal, and eventually his orange eyes landed on a somewhat big squid looking creature, but it didn't smell like an organic creature nor did it have a heartbeat like many creatures that eat, sleep, or mate.

Was it a human creation? He didn't think this was the case either since it didn't have the scents mainly associated with human-made objects. So the only conclusion he could come to was that this creature or whatever it is was an extraterrestrial creature much like the three-headed one, and this conclusion greatly angered him, since like his arch-rival, it was destroying for the sake of destruction and while he didn't appreciate it when 'they' detonate their 'things' in his face and even tried to kill him by building a metallic version of himself, didn't mean he was going to let them just die out since he has always eliminated dangerous threats to prevent the fall of their various civilizations and made sure that they are still able to function properly. He will not let this stand, and he will kill this creature and others like it in order to set the balance of the planet back in order once again... 


A few minutes earlier...

Helm was getting antsy since the Admire wasn't going to arrive in time to help defeat the Kraken, and it was getting surprisingly hard to take it out and keep it distracted at the same time, but out of the corner of her eye, she could've sworn she saw something peek out of the water before diving and got a brief glimpse of its back which had large spikes and its tail which had similar spikes except they were smaller. She started panicking that it might be another Rapture that got sent to help assist the Kraken, however the Tyrant-class Rapture started behaving weirdly, she didn't know how to describe it, but it seemed to refocus its attention to whatever it was before it too dived back down into the water.

She was going to wonder why it suddenly dived in the water, but never got the chance to, because she heard a unknown noise which sounded like a blaring horn, it didn't sound like a Rapture so was it something natural? However she didn't need her answer as said creature that made the noise leaped out of the water with one of the Kraken's many tentacles in its jaws before it dove back into the water with its tail splashing down on the water as it did so. She didn't know what it was and quite frankly was scared to ask, but was mentally grateful that this creature did save them. She hurried over to where the Commander was and saw that his eyes were wide opened, so she shook him lightly to get him back to his senses.

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