Secrets and Lies

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'Hmmm, I can't seem to find anything out of place...'

Exia was in fact still looking through the top secret database of the Central Government for anything they might've been hiding. It has been nearly eight hours and there hasn't been a single thing that looked off. Though since she was determined to find the so-called "answers" that the Commander needed, she looked through everything again in case she missed something. A couple of minutes later, she still couldn't find anything, so she decided to search at the very bottom where there might be information that she could inform him of. Eventually she does come across something regarding a green-energy company named Monarch Industries.

She frowned at this discovery, because why would the Central Government even bother hiding the existence of a green-energy company in the first place? Surely there must be something unique about this company for it to be hidden from prying eyes, however she had a feeling that not even they knew about it. If this was the case, then who put this here?

She didn't know, but a part of her says that this 'Monarch Industries' may not be a green-energy company after all. So she decided to investigate further, eventually finding out they were really a world-wide scientific organization, but even this didn't say much. Exia was getting increasingly frustrated for probably the first time in her life, since she was really good at what she does, but looking for what the Commander wanted in this instance was really driving her nuts. She decided to call it quits for now and inform him of what she found, since she was not going to spend days or weeks searching. 


"Hey Noob, it's me. I know you asked me to look for anything suspicious and while I did find something, I have a feeling it might not exactly help you."

"What do you mean?"

"So I found something hidden deep within their secret database, something regarding a green-energy company called Monarch Industries. But I wondered why they even bothered to hide the existence of this so-called 'company', so if I had to guess... Not even the Central Government knows of its existence, which might explain why it's completely isolated from everything else in their database."

"Wait, you're telling me that the Central Government doesn't know that it even exists in their database?"

"Yes, and I'm fairly certain it was someone who isn't a part of the Central Government that put this here, but I could be wrong about that as well."

"Well, did you find out more about this company?"

"Mhm, turns out they're a world-wide scientific organization, but what they research is still a mystery since it doesn't say much about itself."

"This is... Quite troubling to say the least. I'm wondering if this scientific organization has something to do with the creature we saw. Surely not, right..? "

"Did you say something?"

"No, but thanks for informing me, Exia. I'll discuss this further with the others when I get the chance, and please call me when you find anything else regarding this scientific organization, alright?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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