After everything we've done?

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This is the Christmas wars episode but I changed up the ending to ✨ ANGST ✨ TW: alcohol and swearing.

Smg4 watched as all his friends see smg3's party opting to go to his. "Come on guys! I have 2 ballpits!" Smg4 said worriedly. "That's a tempting offer.." Boopkins said. "HOLY SHIT THEY HAVE EGGDOG EGGNOG!" Bob said outloud. Everyone rushed into the cafe before smg4 could said a word. He saw smg3 put on a i win face before walking into the cafe.

(I'm actually starting to cry writing this what.)

Smg4 watched as all his friends left him for his damn rival. HIS. RIVAL. Smg4 just walked sadly back to his castle and let the Santa guy go. Which Santa did go but ended up getting captured by smg3. He walked up to the doors to the castle, placing a note outside the doors before locking them shut.

He opened the fridge depressed as ever and grabbed a whiskey bottle before starting to drink it. (Why did I transform my boy 4 into an alcoholic I'm depressed now too) If he drank it, then he would be able to get his mind off this crap and pass out. He never took himself as a drinker but he slowly trudged back to his room. Depressed. He wanted his friends to have a good time having a party at the show grounds for the first time ever since they had lost the old castle, but they left him. Just for a better party with somebody who tried to kill them in the past. He kept drinking. It just helped.

Hours later...

SMG3 was wrapping up his party but he noticed something was off. The lights on the castle were off, weird. They usually were always on. And the blinds were closed on almost every window. He just didn't think about it too much as everyone went home. Nobody else really lived in the castle beside smg4. He owns it too. Bob was running his hotel and melony was just sleeping somewhere I guess just not inside the castle.

Night turns into morning.

Smg4 looked miserable. He immediately went to get another bottle and started drinking it. He hated the fact he could still remember what happened and would just wish his friends would have been on his side. He lays down in the middle of the castle drinking.

Meggy walked up to the castle to apologize for what happened as she kinda just realised how wrong that was until she saw the note. She looked at it and it read, "to my friends, your all shitheads. I can't believe I'm still calling you my friends. More like the assholes who don't care for a IMPORTANT EVENT! - Smg4." Meggy was horrified, smg4 would never do something like this, and it seems he was really upset. SMG3 walked over as he saw meggy looked horrified. "What's wrong now?" He said. He was kinda tired from yesterday still. Meggy handed him the note and he read it. He was speechless. This man would barely swear unless it was like for a funny meme or, when he went insane. "Oi smg4 you in there?" He knocked on the door. "Go the fuck awayyyy" smg4 replied. He sounded very drunk.

An hour later.

Almost all of the crew had arrived to hear the situation. The castle which was their main hangout spot, was locked by a very very drunk smg4.

"Smg4 please open the door we're your friends!" Meggy said. "Nooo the fucckkk u ainttt" smg4 replied."not after whatttt you pulllledddd onn Christmas." He stopped responding to questions after that. Most likely passed out or ignoring them

Bob moved to the door with a big hammer. "MOVE ASIDE BITCHES!" He picked up the hammer, slamming it into the doors. Once the dust cleared, they saw a passed out smg4 with bottles of beer and whiskey on the floor. Everyone was horrified at this state. "We should have gone to his party, poor smg4.." meggy said. She picked up the sleeping smg4 and placed him on his bed, walking out and closing the door. "We should clean this place up to say sorry. SMG3 your forced to help." Meggy says. "WHY ME?" SMG3 replied. "Because you technically started this."

SMG3 angrily had to say yes. He was roped into cleaning the place up and was just mad the entire time. Once everyone is done closed the door and left a note somewhere where smg4 will see it before he tries to get himself drunk again.(IM SORRY MAH BOI 4 WHAT HAVE I DONE) anyway

Hours later smg4 wakes up and is about to get out of bed to do what he's been doing the past couple of days, but there's a letter taped to his face. Yep. They placed it on his face. He opened the letter and it read this, "Hey smg4! We kinda managed to break into your castle and cleaned it up for you, please stop drinking it's bad for you, we are really sorry about not going to your special party for Christmas and we should of heard you before rushing in. Please atleast unlock the door to the castle so we can talk soon. Regards, Meggy." Smg4 placed it down before unlocking the castle door, maybe he still did have his friends after all.

A/N IM SORRY I MADE 4 DEPRESSED I FEEL BAD NOWWW I was rewatching the Christmas wars episode and just kinda thought of this situation, I'm going to sleep now it's like 1 in the morning, woag on.

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