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Consciousness faded in and out, his body numb, but the blood still rushed to his face, he was being carried, and he couldn’t see. His glasses had fallen off, and his head hung loosely, as he was being carried like a sack over someone’s shoulder. Briefly he wondered if Vincent had found him, but as he focused, he realized that a tail kept swaying back and forth in front of his face. Whoever was taking him, or whatever in this case; he did not know them. He tried to focus more, and realized that he wasn’t in as much pain as he should have been, and instead; he felt euphoric. Biting his lip, he blinked a few times, finding his voice, trying to be stern despite his place in this exchange, “Let me go, now.”

The entity stopped in his tracks, tail freezing mid swing, then relaxing upon the grass beneath. Alastor opened his mouth to again demand release, but he was soon thrown to the ground without a care in the world, his thin frame hitting the dirt hard. He shot up, standing with wobbly legs, reaching for his belt to grab his pocket knife, but then he found it to be gone. Shocked, he looked up finally, eyes on the being before him. It looked like a man, but he was odd to say the least. Blonde, short, but with horns adorning his head, cheeks red like blood, and tail curled with amusement. The eyes were what initially captured the human, their cat-like appearance sucking him in as he glared, “Who are you?”

“Mm… It’s nice to see that I got to you on time. Here I thought I would have to meet you in Hell.” The creature stepped closer, causing Al to back off more, though he immediately hit a snag, back against the rough bark of a tree.

“I am a certified fire watchman, and I assume you are with the group from earlier. I am going to have to take you to the police station and turn you in.” Alastor tried to do everything as he was trained, tried to act like what had happened was not real.

“Is that really necessary? I did save your life, ya know?” The blonde chuckled, hands on his hips as he stepped even closer, face mere inches from the man’s, “I would say you owe me one, but I suppose we have a lot to discuss in that regard.”

“I have nothing to discuss with you!” Alastor put up his hands defensively, now noticing that the creature before him was wearing his belt, and had his rifle strapped to him, so by all regards; he did indeed have the upper hand in equipment, “Just give me back my stuff and I’ll look the other way.”

“I don’t think I will. Unless you want to make me.” The being got even closer, only stopped by Al’s hands, which pushed him away from him.

“Don’t fucking touch me!” Alastor growled, kicking up his leg to knee the smaller man, but then it was caught, held up, making his body twist until their hips jutted against one another, the action keeping the man upright as he used the smaller creature as a stand, his back against the tree, both hands taken by the other man by the wrists and pulled to the other side, making him twist his form further. 

He couldn’t move, nor fight the touches, his face flaring up red, his heart racing, “Release me at once!”

“I don’t think I will. I will not let a human give me orders like that.” The creature smirked, enjoying the power he got to display, “Now you have to listen to me, and then if you’re a good boy I’ll let you go. Got it?”

Al looked away uselessly, to only be made to look back, chin held by the creature’s tail, forcing him to peer into those venomous eyes. He finally stopped fighting, and gave his full attention to the creature, eyes glaring into his, “Fine.”

“Good boy.” He smirked, but still held Al still, not trusting him enough to let go, “I am Lucifer, the king of Hell.”

“What, now?” Alastor’s eye twitched, his body becoming more rigid, “W-what do you mean king of Hell?”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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