Chapter 8

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Allison, Sam and Dean walking in front with everyone else following as they made their way back to Kentucky. "The kid is right. We don't know the real you." Dean said looking down at Allison. "You know most of me. The parts you don't sorry to break it to you but you won't like." She says as Gabriel comes running up to them. "Angels!" He yells getting next to them. Everyone holds their angel blades out as the angels stood in front of them. "Kill them. On my command." The one in front says holding his fist out. Before they could move the angels turn to smoke making everyone confused. They look at Lucifer who has his hands up and a smirk. Allison watches the cuffs melt. "Oh yeah, about the cuffs. I knew they wouldn't hold me in this world. Long story short, I didn't want to your impotence to get awkward. So I just went along. You're welcome." He says making everyone look at each other. Everyone's attention quickly goes to Allison who is laughing.

"I'm sorry but that was hilarious." She says making Lucifer smile. "See I can be a team player and a mood lifter." He says looking at Jack. Allison shakes her head smiling. "We should keep going though, we don't have long until the portal closes. Especially since Lucifer is here." She says walking. Lucifer catches up to Allison making her confused. "Hell no." Dean says about to pull Lucifer away from Allison. "I can talk to him Dean. You're close enough so if god forbid something happens." She said walking farther up with Lucifer.

"Why do you hang around those losers?" He asks looking at Allison making her laugh a bit. "I don't see them as losers." She said crossing her arms. "So you're actually dead and don't have to take a body like angels and demons that must be awesome." He says making Allison look at him confused. "Your point?" She says making him put his hands up in defense. "Trying to make small talk to the only person being civil to me other than my son." He says.

"Fair. But I also know what it's like to be the villain." She says as looking over at him. "No offense you don't seem villain material." He says looking her up and down. "Well my second family is the most feared family among vampires and everyone associates me with them more than my own brothers." Allison says. "Oo feared family. Who?" He asks like a kid. "The Mikaelson's. Considering how long you were in the cage I doubt you know them."

"I've actually heard tales from demons once I got out." Lucifer said making Allison raise a brow. "Impressive." She says smirking.
The group reached the portal, allison looked at Sam and Dean sighing. "Just in time." She says motioning for Jack and Mary to go first. They nod heading through quickly. Cas and Gabriel go through, Allison and Lucifer are about to go through when Sam and Dean stop him. Allison stops looking at them. "No you pal, you've caused enough issues on our earth. You get to stay here." Dean says pulling his blade out. "Seriously Dean?" Allison says scoffing. "He helped us get here." She says crossing her arms. "He's the literal devil Allison and you don't know all he's done." Sam says looking at her. Allison nods pretending to think. "You're right I don't, but I'm willing to bet I've done more than he has considering the cage and all." She says motioning for Lucifer to go ahead. He takes the chance going through making Sam and Dean annoyed. "You just made a big mistake. He's not only the devil but a major asshole." Dean says as Allison goes to walk through. "Can't be any worse than how you both are acting!" She yells back.

Allison appears on the other side. "Don't make me regret standing up for you." She says heading to Deans room to get her stuff.

Dean and Sam come through the portal looking around. "Where's Allison?" Sam asks feeling bad about how they've been treating her. "She went that way. She looked very mad and upset." Jack says pointing towards Dean's room. Sam and Dean quickly go to his room seeing her unpacking the backpack.

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