vii the fight

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nate probably messaged me over the weekend. i didn't get anything because obviously i have him blocked. i didn't really speak to anyone over the weekend. i had a few messages from elijah but i didn't feel in the mood to respond. and it was all about the possibility of a double date with toby and lily, which obviously will never happen now.

on monday, i drag myself up out of bed dreading going to school. who should i hang out with now? i have friends besides lily but i wouldn't be surprised if none of them wanted to hang out with me anymore. and obviously i can't talk to nate. maybe that might even be the worst part about it all. because i really wanted me and nate to work out. because he's so handsome and funny, and i thought he just got me. but because of that i was an idiot and i didn't see that he never ever liked me. my eyes brim with tears and i wipe them away. wouldn't want my mascara to run.

when i enter the school, i already want to cry, crawl up in a ball and have the earth swallow me up. the holy trinity! a cocky freshman who obviously doesn't know his place comes up to me and asks, "is it true you slept with nate woods and elijah johnson at the same time?"

the way the rumours are out of hand probably means that adelaide is the source of them but believe it or not she's the first and probably going to be only person who says something nice to me.

"hey, tessa," she says quietly to me in the first lesson of the day, "i'm sorry about you and nate. you can come sit with me in the back if you'd like,"

shit. it's spanish, which means i sit next to nate. i didn't even realise. i take her up on her offer and move to the back before nate even arrives in class. he's late, and he gets told off by the spanish teacher. he notices my absence and puts his hand up to ask where i am. he was so late he missed the register so he doesn't know i'm even here.

"nate, she's just at the back," our teacher sighs. nate looks at me sadly and i avert my gaze. i don't want him to look at me ever again. sadly or not.

i would be slow packing up my bag like normal, but i see him waiting for me because that's what he expects. so i bundle everything up messily and shove it in my bag and then leave. i hear him call my name but i keep moving through the busy hallway with my head down.

i don't really speak to anyone else until lunch. i eat by myself. i guess by choice, because i didn't look for any options where i could sit down and instead just sat on an empty table. i end up getting joined by this trio of weird sophomore guys. obviously i don't speak to them though.

i eat quickly so when i'm headed to my locker there's no one else in the hallways. i open it up and get some folders out. when i shut it i jumped because elijah is right on the other side of it smiling lazily at me.

"hey," he says.


"what's up?" he asks, "wait don't answer that. i know everything's super shitty for you at the moment. it was a bad question,"

"well at least you're self aware." i go to walk off but he talks again.

"you know, everyone's saying we slept together. which is funny, because, you know, i'm pret-ty sure we didn't," he grins.

"super funny."

"no offence or anything! i'd, like, totally sleep with you if i had the chance." he defends himself.

"don't worry, i wasn't-" i get interrupted by his lips crashing against mine. i squirm under them. i do not want to kiss him right now. "stop!" i manage. he keeps kissing me deeply and i really regret opening my mouth to speak because he took that as an invitation. his tongue trespassing into my mouth, i try to seal my lips and pull back but he keeps kissing me so hard i can't get out of it and his hand is on the back of my head pushing me further into it.

"stop!" i manage again, a little louder but still muffled from his tongue. a few more people have come out from lunch now and are walking around us laughing at it. everyone already thinks i've slept with everyone and this is just the proof they need.

"she said stop, you dick," a disembodied voice behind me says. elijah's grip on my head loosens whilst he pulls back and i free myself. i turn around and it's nate.

"oh, shut up, just because she dumped your sorry ass you think everything or everyone she does is your proble." elijah grunts. the two of them glare at each other. a small crowd has appeared, watching them visibly hate each other.

"don't you know what consent is?" nate snaps.

"just fuck off, ok pervert? stop watching us kiss already," elijah laughs. that's when nate punches him. everybody hears his fist connect with elijah's jaw with the most horrible noise ever. i hate it, but everyone else is just cheering them on. and i'm stuck in the middle of it. with all of the allegations flying over my head right now, it is not good for me because it looks like they're fighting over me. i just want to burst out crying.

the crowd has gotten even bigger, loads of people egging them on as they keep punching each other. nate's nose is bleeding everywhere. suddenly, teachers appear and disperse the crowd. it's just me, nate, elijah and the adults now.

we all got suspended. me for 3 days because the school is convinced the fight was my fault, and apparently elijah says it was too. he told the principal that he said hi to me and i got nate to attack him. nate lied too in his story, but he said that him and elijah were fighting over something totally different and i was just unlucky enough to be at my locker at the time. they both got 5 days.

i hate elijah. also when i originally thought of a name for him i knew he needed like a style and i couldn't be bothered so spend the time on that bum to pick one so i searched 'elijah' on like google, pinterest, everything possible and all that came up was elijah mikaelson and then i fell down a rabbit hole of cute tvd photos of the cast with filters and stuff and nina dobrev is so pretty

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