Chapter 16 (Mindy+Alex)

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I storm into the locker room not giving a fuck about the other boys staring at me and trying to cover themselves up. I make my way to his locker to see him shirtless, wiping his hair.

"What the fuck did you say and to who?" 

he gives me a once-over and sighs, turning around to keep his clothes, ignoring me.

"What the fuck did you do Aron?" 

"No what the fuck did you do Mindy? I told you not to do any shit like that stupid locker room incident again!" 

"And I didn't! for fucks sake I never put any camera anywhere. My question is, who the fuck told Celestine about that incident anyway?!"

"Alex probably." I sigh at his uncooperativeness.

"And you told Alex."  He goes quiet for a while before he slams his locker door at my face only to say one word "Yes." He walked away as if this conversation is over. I trail right behind him till we're out in the school hall and I block him from going anywhere. "Why the fuck would you tell my boyfriend about this?" 

"You mean ex-boyfriend? didn't he send you that beakup text?" I fume at his words...I mean, what the fuck?

"That isn't the fucking point Aron!" 

"Celeste thought it was me!" I stop for a moment trying to process what he said,


"Celestine thought it was me who planted the camera. Alex came to get me in the safe cause he knew I wouldn't do that and he told me they were thinking it was you instead. I remembered what you did to her and got pissed and Alex saw that, he asked me and I spilled." I swallow the string of words I so much want to yell out, and instead say the one thing I know will actually sting. "She was never yours to get pissed for anyway, remember, you broke her heart the day you kissed me. You did that, when she could have been all yours." His entire demeanor changes and he looks like he's about to yell out stuff I probably wouldn't want to hear, but before he can someone already yells.

"Aron!" Both our heads snap to the voice, only to see Alex Hunter walking towards us with that bitch close behind him. "I thought you had nothing to do with the camera?" Aron's face gets filled with shock and hurt, "I didn't, I don't!" 

"Well your brother does." That didn't come from Alex, that came from the goody-two shoes Celestine instead. She looked mad but I wasn't sure at who. "What?" Aron's voice sounded like it was a mixture of confusion and realisation. "Your brother, Allan Walter planted the camera in my bedroom." I watched as Aron whispered a "Fuck no" under his breath and signalled for Alex to come with him, they both run to the parking lot, probably headed to the Walter manor. I turn to Tina to see her glaring right at me. "What?" 

"You're involved. I'm going to find out how." 

"You said it yourself Tina, Alan planted the camera, not me."

"Yeah, but you played a hand in this game and I'm sure of it. And I'm going to find out what exactly it is you did." That was the last thing she said before she turned on her heels and headed to class.

she won't find out what I did. I'll make sure of it.


I can see the thoughts racing through his head almost as fast as his car. He didn't expect his brother to be involved in this and to be honest neither did I, but I should have counted him as a possibility.
"You said that it isn't like you didn't want her. Then what is it like?"
I could see the confusion form in his face, "what?"
"When I came to return your jacket, you said it isn't like you didn't want her. What is it like then, Aron?" His face morphed into realization and subtle guilt. "Now is not the time Alex." Just as he got his sentence out we reached the Walter manor. He got out of the car so fast, almost like he needed to physically be away from me and my question. I follow close after him to the house and we spot Allan on the phone grinning away probably at some poor girl who thinks he's in love with her.
"Allan!" His eyes shoot up and it showed surprise at his brother, but realization at me, "sorry baby I've gotta go my brother is making a fuss" we walked towards him and he held his ground, wrong move dickhead.
"You planted a fucking camera in Celestine's room?!"
His face showed no remorse nor any guilt, "Ah, Celestine. So that's what the pretty girls name is. You know I finally got a look at her beauty. No wonder you've been whining after her for so long, Aron." Aron's body goes stiff for a second at his brother's words but I know what this is, he's trying to get me to turn on him so he can sneak his ass out of this shit. No fucking way. I grab him by the collar and pin him on the wall and before he can say anything I apply a little pressure to his throat.
"Listen here you fucker. I know you put that camera in her room, I saw with my own goddamn eyes so don't you dare try to deny it. And you're gonna get royally fucked for this. I promise you that." His face was turning red due to the lack of air supply but he managed to get a few words out, "what are you gonna do? Beat me up?" Oh how I fucking want to. But Celestine's words kept ringing in my ears and I'd always respect her wishes. "In the court. Yes." The room went silent and then both the brothers spoke up, "what?" I threw Allan to the ground and turned to Aron, "Celestine wants to press charges. I didn't come here to beat him up, even if I want to. I came here to warn him." Aron's face shows surprise but also acceptance, before he can say anything back the cockroach on the floor speaks up, "you think that's going to work? Come on Alex you know better than I do that it doesn't matter if she presses charges. I've got all the money to get the best lawyers who can make it look like I wasn't even involved in this bullshit. Doesn't matter what that bitch has against me. She'll lose." My blood boils at his words and I really fucking wanted to bash his face in. But I knew I had to stick to the plan. "You're disgusting you know that?"
He gives me a creepy mother fucking smirk, "why? Just cause I put a camera in the bitch's room? Look she's hot and all but one fap and I was done so all this isn't really worth it." Before I could move Aron pounced on his brother and started going feral, his punches was breaking his teeth and I could see it. I wanted to join, to help, but instead....... I took Aron off him. "What the fuck are you doing man? Do you not hear him?!"


That didn't come from either one of us, it came from behind us, Mr.Walter.
"Pressing charges? Against my son? And turning my boys against each other? Who is this wich? And I hope you know Alex, when I say boys, I mean you too my son." Bullshit. Everything coming out of this assholes mouth feels so fucking fake. But I can't rebel, not yet. "I'm leaving." I rush out without acknowledging anyone and I hear a "wait up" from Aron behind me. Once we get into the car I drive as fast as I can away from this shithole, it's quiet and I can feel the tension.

"You wanna tell me what the fuck just happened back there Alex?" I take the phone out and replay the words.
"why? Just cause I put a camera in the bitch's room? Look she's hot and all but one fap and I was done so all this isn't really worth it."
Aron frowns hearing his brothers voice from my hands, "you recorded this shit?"
"It's his word against his Aron. I don't care how good his lawyers are, he's going down."
Relief floods Aron's face for a moment before he turns back to me.
"This is going to be hard as shit."
"I'm counting on it."

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