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Do you believe in destiny? maybe yes or May No. some people believe in destiny and some people simply denied it.

Amliya 22 years old a beautiful young lady with a beautiful heart lives with her dad stepmom and stepsister. Though her life wasn't a tale of fairy tail but she thought destiny will bring a prince charming in her life who will take all her pain away.

she has many dreams about her life like she will meet that special someone who will bring a bloom of happiness in her life. And she thought that that Smith is the person who will bring happiness in her world

Her dad Mr john is a employ in a company so he go to his work at morning and return at evening so he didn't even know what his wife do to his daughter.Even if he say something one glare from her wife and he will not say anything.

Amliya's step sister jasmine she doesn't do much because she doesn't not need to she will just complain her mom and her mom will make her do double work. Sometime she won't let her eat all day and make her do all work. If it wasn't about her father her step mom didn't have sent her college which Amliya was greatfull. but she didn't let her go to university.

So when Smith's family came to their house with marriage proposal Amliya . First she was nervous and anxious because she she knows no one will ask her. Second she doesn't even know smith but when Smith take permission to talk with her she was happy.

Smith talk to her nicely. He confess that he likes her also make her believe that she can take as much time as she want. He doesn't have problem with that but if she says yes now then they can know each other after marriage. He will give her time to adjust.

She thought that Smith is a good person and she can know him more after marriage. She feels like she will be free from here.So she say yes for marriage. She was feeling giddy that someone will love her and she is going to marry.

After that day her step mom and step sister didn't torture her and this make her confuse. As why they both were silent and didn't say anything to her but shrugged her thoughts thinking that maybe they both didn't say anything because she will be out of the house


On the other side In Tokyo there was a handsome muscular man standing behind the glass window of his office building seeing city lights from 80th floor.He drag a breath and let out a big Puff of smoke from his mouth.

Let me introduce him . He is a Kristen Stewart. A 27 years old handsome man . He is a young business man but also have his illegal business too. people says he is a heartless and ruthless. He also believe that. But is it really true?we will know that later.

He don't hurt anyone without any reason just don't interfere in his business he doesn't like that . He hate when people try to over smart him if you do that he will drag you out from any Korner of the world and then give you the taste of your own medicines.

He isn't interested in love. He believes love makes you weak. In the world full of cunningness love doesn't exist.but deep down in his heart he also knows that a most heartless person.

He has two friends whom he trust most Jack and Jimmy. Their names may sound sweet but believe me they're not sweet when you mess with them. They both are like his right hand and left hand in his illegal business. He has gang name Black Stans but his friends mostly handle that gang for him as he is mostly handle his legal business.But that doesn't mean he don't know what is happening in his gang.

let's see what will happen to both of them and how they'll meet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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