Chapter Four: Meeting

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Three days had passed since our emotional farewell to my parents as they embarked on their journey to Trost. As the morning sun cast its golden rays over the palace, a sense of anticipation lingered in the air. Today marked the arrival of the Survey Corps and the Military Police, and preparations were underway to receive them.

Rising from my bed, the warmth of the sunlight filtering through my window invigorating my spirits. I took a moment to appreciate the beauty of the morning before beginning my daily routine. A hot steamy shower refreshed my body, cleaning with such delicate oils and creams. Shower thoughts came to me, it's where I had time to truly think with no interruptions.
Did my parents make it to Trost okay? Did Alice make it to Trost? I wonder if they'd meet up...

Sighing, I turned off the valve to the shower, and grabbed the towel on the rail. The soft fibres drank up the water droplets on my skin. Ruffling my hair seemed to dry it somewhat; a towel wrapped around my head whilst I dressed in my maid uniform with meticulous care, ensuring every button was fastened and every crease smoothed.

Creams and some makeup products were applied to my face; we had to look professional and presentable for serving the people fighting this titan war for us. It was the least we did in this palace apart from constant cleaning.

Standing before the mirror, I tied her hair back into a neat bun and applied a subtle touch of lipstick, enhancing my natural beauty. As I gazed at my reflection, a sense of pride washed over me. Despite the challenges I faced, I was grateful for the opportunity to serve in the palace and make a difference in the lives of those around me.

As I wandered through the bustling corridors of the palace, a sense of restlessness gnawed at me. Despite the grandeur of my surroundings, the monotony of my daily tasks had begun to wear on me. I longed for something more, something to break the routine and infuse excitement into my day.

Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed the figure rushing toward me until we collided with a jolt. Startled, I stumbled backward, my heart racing as I steadied myself. Before I could utter a word, the person who had bumped into me spoke up.

"Watch where you're going, Elara!" The voice was stern but familiar, belonging to Evelyn, my fellow maid and occasional partner in mischief.

"Sorry, Evelyn," I replied sheepishly, offering her a weak smile. "I was... lost in thought."

"Well, snap out of it," Evelyn retorted, her tone impatient. "The Survey Corps and Military Police are arriving any minute now, and there's still plenty to do. We can't afford to slack off today of all days."

Her words jolted me back to reality, reminding me of the significance of the day's events. With a nod of determination, I straightened my posture and squared my shoulders, ready to tackle whatever tasks lay ahead.
"You're right, Evelyn," I replied, a newfound sense of purpose infusing my voice. "Let's get to work."

The resonant click of my heels echoed through the grand feasting room as I balanced a stack of napkins. Amidst the chatter of the maids, discussions swirled around the state of the world beyond the palace walls—rumours of titan invasions and ongoing battles cast a sombre shadow over their conversations. Lost in thought, I couldn't help but wonder about the reality of life outside these opulent halls.

As I neared the end of my task, a commanding voice cut through the room, summoning the maids to attend to their next duties. "Ladies, the room is now complete. Thank you for your preparations. Please make your way to the corridors and steam the curtains. Royal maids, please follow me to the entrance of the palace. The troops are almost here."

Glancing at my pocket watch, I noted the time—it was nearly midday. A hint of confusion tugged at me; the arrival of the troops wasn't scheduled until later in the day. However, before I could ponder further, a butler called out my name, drawing my attention.

Levi Ackerman x Character/Reader (The Classes of War)Where stories live. Discover now