V - Emotions

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Classroom C3
It's the second period of this afternoon! We're now studying Geometry with Mister Hosha! He's a really friendly and cheerful person. Mr Hosha is really good at explaining those Functions that I keep messing up at.. I'm sitting next to CatNap, of course. The little cat is sleeping at the moment, its tail curled up right on my lap. It's so warm and fluffy! But it's drawing my attention though.. I can't focus on the worksheet the teacher handed out..
I shook my head, trying my best to focus as well as taking my mind off the tail. The quiet atmosphere definitely isn't helping because I can't hide the fact that my tail is wagging, it's making flapping noises. I'm getting a little red and hot, I just don't really know what to do here except for concentrating on my work and praying that I don't draw attention.
CatNap's body jerked when the bell rang. I guess he isn't used to waking up so suddenly like this. I petted his tail to help him calm down. CatNap blushed as I giggled, he's just so adorable like this! Since class is over now, I started to think about what to do with break time.

(D-Day) "Hey, Kitty, you wanna head to the library? I'm keen on some reading"
(C-Nap) "Whatever is fine, I just want to sleep"
(D-Day) "Oh Nappy.."

I took CatNap's paw and headed towards the a school library. I definitely didn't get lost and spent 15 minutes trying to find where the hell is that damn library. When I do though, I get excited.
I opened the giant door and walked inside. It was cool, yet warm and cozy. Everyone here is quiet and focused on their reading. I showed my Student Pass to the librarian and headed inside with the Purple Goofball. I picked a good spot, got a book and sat down. I patted the spot next to me, inviting the cat to sit with me. I don't know what exactly was he thinking but as soon as I rested my legs down, CatNap laid on my lap. I got so flustered that I had to use my big floppy ears to cover up my face. I don't mind this but we're in public..
I managed to calm myself down and started reading, I hope that I don't accidentally skip a class because I've got an adorable kitten on my lap.. Occasionally I'd reach out to scratch his chin, just to hear his soft purring. His ridiculously long tail kept swaying around and it sometimes got in the way, even hitting my face directly! CatNap is so cute.. I know we're only best friends.. but my heart keeps jumping up and down.. I'm feeling a little dizzy.. my breaths are short and rapid.. I want more of this sensation.
Am I high?
Have I fallen for him?


I don't really know how long has it been, all I know is that I'm on the puppy's lap and I'm enjoying it. I kept purring, rubbing against the orange dog from time to time. It fees really good! I don't know if I'm making DogDay uncomfortable or not but so far he hasn't shown the slightest bit of resistance, so I kept going. My tail is just going nowhere, it keeps moving around like a snake. It's hard to feel my surroundings when I'm close to DogDay. I slept for a little longer until the bell sounded up. I got up, rubbing my eyes a little. DogDay is redder than a tomato. I just realized that I'm sitting on his lap, it felt warm though, I don't see anything wrong with it. I just leaned in and licked his cheek before standing up. I don't know exactly why I did that.. I think I might have went a little overboard because DogDay just passed out. What am I going to do?! I tried waking him up, but it wouldn't work!! I'm starting to panic, I held DogDay in my arms, then attempted to stand up. Is it just me, or is he that light? Or maybe I'm just too strong.. hehe.
The librarian winked at me on the way out, I think she wanted to tell me something, but I couldn't figure out.. I feel like an idiot for not understanding..
Nonetheless, I carried him outside the library, looking for the nurse's office again.. I should've asked her on my way out.. guess I'll just go look for it then.
I think what I'm doing now is called "Bridal Style" carrying. I keep hearing giggles from other students around me, I couldn't afford to care, DogDay fainted.! I walked for a bit more, then I found that wooden door again. The nurse's office!
Health Specialist's office
I knocked before opening. I wasn't greeted by Miss Yi, but rather another tall man in a suit. He had black hair this time, opposite to him was a girl with pinkish hair, that looked like cotton candy.

() "Hm. Kitty, what brings you here?"
() "Oh my.! What happened to him.?!"

I get a little flustered, I don't know why he called me that. I just rested him down onto a chair nearby while still supporting him

(C-Nap) "My friend fainted for no reason at all..! Can you help.?!"
() "Calm down, Mr Yan will take a look"
(Yan) "Let me see the pup"

The man, supposedly Mister Yan, approached DogDay, who is still unconscious on the chair. He took one look before picking him and placing him on a bed nearby. I noticed that they had actual beds here and not those beds inside hospitals

(Yan) "I sense a fever. Kate, while you're here, can you fetch me some wipes?"
(Kate?) "On it, sir!"
(Yan) "It's Mister Yan for you"
(C-Nap) "W-Will he be alright.. d-doctor.?!"
(Yan) "It's just a slight fever, do you recall what happened?"
(C-Nap) "I-I don't know.. we were inside the library.. he was reading a book and then he just fainted.. like that.!"
(Yan) "I see."
(Kate?) "Here you go, Mister!"
(Yan) "Thank you. He's going to stay here until he wakes up"
(C-Nap) "Can I stay too.?"
(Yan) "You're more than welcome to. Just don't fail your classes"

I felt releived. I sat next to DogDay's bed, I put my paw on his forehead. Yikes, that's a little warm.. I sighed a little as I relax, DogDay is okay.. that's great. I was zoning out when the girl with pink hair approached me

(Katheryne) "Hey there! I'm Katheryne, or Kate, Katie, whatever you choose. You must be CatNap, right?"
(C-Nap) "Uh, yeah.! Right.. nice to meet you.. Katie?"
(Katheryne) "Hehe! Good choice. Anyways, I just wanted to ask some questions, if that's okay?"
(C-Nap) "O-Oh.. alright, go ahead"
(Katheryne) "Firstly, I get that you two have been friends for a long time. But, do you.. see him as someone.. different?"
(C-Nap) "What do you mean by that?"
(Katheryne) "Like.. is he your best friend.. or.. more.?"
(C-Nap) "Oh, yeah, he's my best friend, alright.. It's just that we haven't seen each other for a long time"
(Katheryne) "Really? I see. Well, hmm.. I'm having a suspicion.."
(Katheryne) "Can you tell me.. exactly what happened when he passed out? If you're okay, of course"
(C-Nap) "I don't mind at all.. well.. we were in the library. He was reading a book while I slept"
(Katheryne) "How did you sleep? Next to him or what?"
(C-Nap) "I think I laid on his lap.."
(Katheryne) "Interesting.. keep going."
(C-Nap) "Then when I heard the bell.. I woke up.. I think my face got too close to his"
(Katheryne) "Did you kiss him? On the lips, on the cheeks, anywhere"
(C-Nap) "W-Well.. I.. technically yes.. I licked his cheek-"
(Katheryne) "Bingo."
(C-Nap) "H-Huh.? What.?"
(Katheryne) "I think you two might be made for each other"
(C-Nap) "As in.. lovers.?!"
(Katheryne) "Yes, you silly. That lick from you is probably the reason why he fainted"
(C-Nap) "That means.. I'm in love with him.?! I'm.. Gay?!"
(Katheryne) "I don't know about you.. but I bet that he's into you, Kitty"
(C-Nap) "B-But I'm not Gay.!"
(Katheryne) "It doesn't matter, Kitty. Just let your heart be where it wants to. No one will judge."
(Katheryne) "If they do, just ignore them. Okay?"
(C-Nap) "I.. thank you.."
(Katheryne) "Big deal, you're welcome!"

I'm so flustered and red right now. My tail is practically wagging, I can't hide my burning face. I'm in love?! With my best friend?! I mean.. spending time with him is fun.. but.. I'm not ready to get intimate just yet..!
Or maybe I do.. I do want to be with him. He feels so much more than a best friend to me. He feels so special to me..
Maybe.. I like him..
I like DogDay..
I think I'm in love..

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNap (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now