Part 8

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Cody POV

I strike another pose, following the photographer's directions. These modeling jobs make good money in a short time, but to be honest, I hate them. I hate feeling like people are ogling me and only measuring my worth by my looks. It makes me miss Y/N, who likes me for me—at least, the dog me.

Y/N is the reason I'm doing this, though. She's struggling to get by money-wise, and I want to contribute in any way I can. For now, the most I can do is make sure her kitchen and house stay stocked and sometimes I hide money in her jacket pocket for her to find. I think she's getting suspicious about that. I heard her mumbling the other day about all the bills that have been magically appearing in her pockets.

I've been visiting her more and more in my human form, and we're getting along great. I'm learning so much about her life, and she's always interested to hear about mine.

It sucks that I can't tell her everything, though. I've had to be vague about my past so that I don't reveal that I'm a shifter. As a human, Y/N doesn't even know shifters are real. We've hidden our existence from regular humans for millennia, living among them and even ruling them at times without revealing our true nature.

I wish I could talk to Y/N about my old pack. I was always an outcast even before they kicked me out, but it was a family of sorts. My parents died in a challenge for leadership when I was just a kid, and after that, I was just sort of raised by the pack as a whole, with no real parental figure. But I made some friends and had a home, at least.

That is, until the new alpha took over the pack. He saw me as a threat to his rule and so he told me to either challenge him for the position or leave the pack permanently. I just couldn't bring myself to challenge him. Too many good shifters have died in a fight like that already. Besides, I was never cut out to be a leader—I didn't want that responsibility on my shoulders even if I did win. So, I left, and became a Loner without a pack.

The photographer finishes the shoot and lets me go for the day. I head to the bathroom to change. The manager of the photoshoot gives me a saucy wink and asks me out as I'm leaving. I turn her down with a grimace. I'm going to have to find a more steady job elsewhere. This modeling stuff is too public and too... weird.

I spend the rest of the day walking around the city, handing in my resume to various businesses that are hiring. Y/N has class this afternoon, so she won't be back until later. I've got time to wander.

As I leave a cafe, the wind picks up and I suddenly freeze. My nostrils flare, picking up a new scent. It's the marker scent of one of my old pack members. I've accidentally wandered into their territory.

Fuck. This is bad. I need to get out, quick, before they find me.

"Cody?" The new voice draws me to a halt. I turn to see Y/N walking towards me. The weather has started to warm up, and she looks gorgeous in a new sundress. Did someone buy that for her recently? I don't remember seeing it in her closet.

"Y/N? What are you doing here? I thought you had class today."

"No, it got canceled." Her brow wrinkles. "How did you know that?"

"Uh... you told me last night at the diner," I lie quickly, scanning the street. The scent of my pack is strong here. I'm really worried they might pick up my scent and intercept me here.

"Really? Huh. I don't remember that."

"I guess you were tired. Come on, I'll get you some coffee," I say quickly, grabbing her by the arm.

"Oh, okay—hey! Cody!" She yelps as I pull her with me while I speed-walk down the street.

Just a few blocks over, and we'll be back in neutral territory. I can already see the park ahead that marks the outer boundary of the pack lands.

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