season 1 ep 5

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Lucia Holloway had been an agent at the BAU for two years, she loved it. Everything about it was what she'd ever dreamed. Until about three months ago when a case went bad, and by bad she means a disaster. Not just for the victims, but for her.

I guess technically, she was a victim. Now the blonde finds herself taking deep breaths as the elevator doors open, three months had felt like forever and nothing at the same time. But Lucia had to be ready. This job didn't wait for you, three months was a long time at the BAU.

The blonde steps off the elevator, adjusting the sleeves on her shirt taking in one final deep breathe before she enters, immediately being pulled into a caring yet aggressive hug.

"Oh my sweet sweet girl" Penelope says pulling Lucia impossibly closer "Ohh how i've missed seeing you're face" she says before pulling back slightly but keeping her hands firmly on Lucia's shoulders "Are you okay? Are you better? Do you need anything? What can I do?" she asks without taking a breath

"Garcia, let the girl breathe" Derek says before Lucia had the chance to respond

"Sorry, i'm just worried, she's so young and beautiful, she's my baby" Garcia replies

Lucia let's out a soft chuckle "I'm okay, I promise" she reassures

"See?" Derek says to Garcia "Now get over here" he instructs the younger blonde who rolls her eyes playfully before allowing Derek to pull her in for a hug "Looking good Holloway" he says "We've missed you around here"

She smiles gratefully up at him before making her way over to Reid, who's still as awkward as ever "You gonna deny me a hug doctor?" she asks teasingly

"Never" he replies pulling her in "Never leave me alone with Morgan for this long ever again" he whispers making her smile

"Never again" she replies before turning her attention to JJ who's been waiting for her turn "I won't break if you touch me" Lucia says noticing the hesitation on the other blondes face

"I know that" JJ replies before pulling Lucia into her

"How've you been handling all that testosterone without me?" Lucia asks

JJ pulls away from the hug a nods her head towards someone behind Lucia "That's how" she replies

Lucia turns around, her eyes meeting one's she'd never seen before. Now that's a woman. She thought to herself.

The brunette sends the blonde a soft smile showing off her dimples before extending her hand "Agent Greenaway" she introduces

The blonde shakes her hand in repose "Agent Holloway" she replies

"I've heard a lot about you" Elle says, exaggerating the words 'a lot'

Lucia turns to Derek who wears a huge grin on his face making her roll her eyes "Okay, whatever he told you, was a lie"

Derek chuckles "I only ever spoke highly of you, and never spilled any of your secrets" he says

"Sure your didn't" Lucia replies

"Actually he didn't" Elle interjects "Although I do wish he would've told me some of those secrets" she adds

Lucia shrugs "Play nice and maybe you'll find some out"

Elle's smile turns into a smirk "Noted" she replies

"Document's up on the screen regarding the kidnapping of Trish Davenport" a voice says

Hotch. Was her first thought. Kidnapping. Was her second. Now that sent a shiver down her spine, she wasn't sure whether it was the word itself or the eyes she felt on her from her team members. I'm fine. She tells herself. Not me that's kidnapped...anymore

In Another Life, Elle GreenawayWhere stories live. Discover now