Episode 2: A Guilded Reunion

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(As Team Cutetail guided The Friendship Group, they arrived at their location)

Ami: We're here.

Pikachu: Wait, is this...

Pikachu, Eevee, Pichu, and Togetic: WIGGLYTUFF'S GUILD?!

Vaporeon and Glaceon: Who?

Riki: Yeah... wait... how do you guys...

Pikachu: All 4 of us were friends with Wigglytuff and her guilded friends.

Shay; So, is this your 2nd time here.

Eevee: Yeah. Now, we just gotta wait for a Diglett to show up.

Diglett: (Pops Up and Spins Around) THE EXPLORERS ARE BACK!!! THE EXPLORERS ARE BACK!!!

Eevee: Hey Diglett.

(Diglett stopped spinning to see Eevee, Pikachu, Pichu, and Togetic)

Diglett: YOU GUYS ARE BACK TOO?! AWESOME!!! (Pops Back Underground)

Vaporeon: Who was that?

???: Well, look who it is!!

(Wigglytuff and her crew decided to show up)

Pikachu and the Girls: GRANDMASTER WIGGLYTUFF!!!

(They gathered into a big hug)

Eevee: Yo Chatot, what's up?

Chatot: Been a while girl.

(They hi-fived each other)

Pichu: CHIMECHO!!! (Pulls her into a big hug) I MISSED YOU!!!!

Chimecho: It's been too long. Oh, look at you, you haven't changed a bit.

Pichu: I could say the same for you. Last time we checked... (Flashback) You were still the Chingling we had all the way back in Sinnoh.

Togetic: BIDOOF and SUNFLORA!!!

Bidoof: MS. TOGETIC!!!

(Bidoof jumped onto her arms)

Sunflora: TOGETIC!!!

(Sunflora hug-danced with her)

Togetic: I missed you guys so much.

Sunflora: We missed you too. It was lonely here without you.

Pikachu: Hey, Loudred.

Loudred: There's the mouse I've been looking for. So, what have you been up to... Hanging around lately?

Pikachu: Ooh, I would watch it there, don't want to get to Loud with that secret.

(They both chuckled, then fist bumped)

Wigglytuff: We're so happy to see you guys again.

Ami: I'm surprised to see how you know them so well.

Pikachu: Eevee, Pichu, Togetic, should we show them?

(As the 3 nodded, Pikachu, Pichu, Togetic, and Eevee showed their Explorer Badges to everyone)

Team Cutetail: WOAH!!!

Vaporeon: But, why keep it a secret from us? Your own friends?

Pichu: We thought you guys wouldn't get it.

Glaceon: O...kay. Wait, if you guys are rescue teams, and if our friends are rescue teams?

Laha: Yep. There's more in there. But, some Pokémon are from different teams.

Glaceon: Oh... okay.

Star: Don't worry though, their nice. So, you oughta get to know them better.

(They all entered into the guild, and there were more Pokémon in there)

Glaceon: Oh, Gee. (Hides Behind Pikachu)

Eevee: Are these... the other rescue teams?

Team Cutetail: Yep.

(Just as out of nowhere, a Houndour walks up to them)

???: So, these are the guys you told us about?

Riki: Yep. The Friendship Group. They're nice Pokémon... well... 3 out of the 6 of them are.

Pikachu: Well, nice to meet you too... uh...

Marrow: Marrow the Houndour. Sworn member of my rescue team. We came with different rescue team names for ourselves in this guild.

(Houndour then started to guide them among the other rescue teams, but a Mightyena with a Bandana caught a glimpse of Eevee, which she walked away from)

Marrow: We get sent on different missions now and then, so, by the time being, you guys oughta like it here.

Pikachu: Okay.

Wigglytuff: I'm so glad we get to see you guys again and with some new faces as well.

Vaporeon: Yeah. Nice to meet you.

Glaceon: Yeah.

Chatot: So, with you guys returning, we decided to have a reunion battle.

Pikachu: Oh, what a great idea.

Chimecho: So, let's start the pairings. First up... is Vaporeon vs. Lati the Latias.

Vaporeon: Lati the who?

(A Latias appears behind her)

Lati: Hi.


Lati: Yep. And I'm very fast, so watch out.

Vaporeon: Oh no.

Chimecho: Next up is Pichu vs. Munchie the Munchlax.

(Munchlax was seen hugging her)


Chimecho: Glaceon is taking on Meganium.

Glaceon: Oh... I think... I can handle that.

Meganium: Hmm, confident one.

Chimecho: Eevee will take on Bow the Mightyena.

Eevee: Who's Bow? That sounds like a name I haven't heard before.

(The Mightyena appeared behind her)

Bow: That would be me.

Eevee (Startled): WHAT THE?! (Falls)

Chimecho: Togetic will face Marrow the Houndour.

Togetic: (Gulps)

Marrow: Getting scared?

Chimecho: And Pikachu will face Riki.

Pikachu: Rematch time.

Riki: Like a boss.

Wigglytuff: Alright, so, it will start by the time it reaches night, so be prepared for now.

(After that, the Friendship Group split apart)

Togetic: Okay, we gotta be prepared for...

(Eevee and Pichu were doing knife-and-gun practice when Togetic was talking)

Togetic: Oh God.

(Meanwhile, with Pikachu...)

Pikachu: Okay, we have to use underhanded ta-

(Vaporeon and Glaceon were researching files while Pikachu was talking)

Pikachu: Oh my, Arceus.

To Be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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