68~ A Party

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Ardhansh's POV

I glanced at my wife and kept admiring her thoroughly, she is so fucking little, with doughnut size body but slim version of that sweet product.

Her short height, long waist length curly hair, those brown orbs filled with kohal, naturally pink lips totally painted as red, were looking so fucking alluring.

Who the fucking asshole would say she is mother of my sons, she herself look as baby and I didn't like it at all, she should look like mother of my sons, so the fucking any bastard should rethink before staring at her

One thing is for sure, I just can't get over her, not in this life, nor out of this life, she is fucking my breath, a sense of eternity, a best thing that ever happened to me and losing her would be death of me.

"Mumma, do I am looking handsome?" My little star asked and I rolled my eyes, truly an attention seeker, sometimes I truly feel that I would have gotten mother in law's suggestion earlier so atleast I would have used protection on his time.

I glanced at my baby who was quite almost looking sleepy and sighed, how did I got two opposite results, I fucking fucked her the same way, my passion never lessened then how could this happened?

I wish my both sons would have became like her, but I am damn sure both went on me with different perspective.

The one more thing is them that makes me eager for a daughter, it is bliss to have daughters but I feel horrified when a thought crosses my mind.

But I will never let it happen, I will cut of his dick before any dirty creature would even lift his eyes to look at my daughter.


"Yes, baby," I asked and she bit her lips making me want to punish her for assaulting them like this.

"Hold him na, and please don't forget to praise his beauty," she tiredly said looking at Aeh and I took his sulking form in my arms.

"You both don't understand me, if I am going to party, I need to look handsome, so people should give me attention."

I heard his words and a sarcastic smile came on my lips but it vanished as I realized, I lost my both sons toddler days.

For Aeh, I didn't know he even existed and for Ayaan, I never had choice, I just didn't wish to push him in danger how I did with his mother by loving her and the consequences came out in the nightmares.

If he could force me to rape her then who knows if he would have forced me to harm my son too so showing that I fucking didn't care was best option and I abandoned him.

I left my son, I left every fucking thing, I thought I will forget my Jaan, my baby, I will try to forget everyone, my bad luck it never happened, but destiny had already another plan for me and I had to find her willingly.

I am scared what if she got to know the truth behind our marriage she would hate me again, and the thought scared me to the death but I didn't fucking have choice, I never had.

And the question still remains evergreen, Why he is not forcing me now to do the something hideous? I am well aware that he knows I am with her, with my kids, then whats there stopping him?

"Did you planned to stay here, Sir?" Her voice reached my ear and I stared at her with shock.

She was sarcastic still sounded so fucking innocent just like that little Yana I once fell in love with.

I smiled at her seeing her walking out and followed her, we collected our phones and all electronic devices including watches at entrance but I had a mini-microphone fitted in my almost every shirts top button and I didn't care to took it down, as I wasn't fucking dumb to do that.

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