The Full Length Mirror

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Lydia woke up in the morning

This was her least favorite part of the day

Not for the usual reasons

She slept well and wasn't all that tired

Lydia actually felt pretty good that morning

But her old enemy was standing across the room.

It was always in the same location every day

Staring back at her.



Ready to show her things she might not want to see.

She hated it, she never liked what it showed her.

No matter how hard she would plead.

No matter how much she would beg

It was never anything she liked.

Begrudgingly she got out of bed and marched forth

Her enemy standing there not moving

For once she wished that it would just turn away and let her pass.

It never did though.

She pushed forward and tried not to look at it

But, like always, she couldn't help it

Lydia's gaze managed to look over right at it.

There she was, looking back, mimicking her movements

The girl in the mirror, mocking her

Her hair was all messed up

Her eyes dark and puffy

And that over-sized tee-shirt with Sponge Bob on it.

How she hated Sponge Bob.

She couldn't look at this girl anymore

Lydia turned on the shower nice and hot

Maybe she could melt away the ugly

She used a lot of soap and shampoo

Lydia thought every little bit would help

When the shower was over and she felt nice and clean

She reached for her towel, dried off and wrapped it on tight

She she didn't want to risk letting the girl in the mirror see her like this.

Lydia stepped out of the shower and again tried to sneak past

But, like always, it was no use

She caught her eye again.

Every morning they would do this dance

Lydia would try to sneak by, and would always get caught

She didn't know why this morning was different

But this time, she chose to stand up and face her enemy.

She looked right at the girl in the mirror

Lydia's eyes shot to the way the towel showed her less than perfect curves

But she didn't back down

She noticed her breasts squished up and escaping over the towel

But she didn't run.

Her hair was wet and mangled

But she didn't fear

No, this was the morning she was going to win

Lydia knew she needed to make a bold move

Quick as a flash, she un-tucked her towel and threw it to the ground.

Standing there naked, she put her hands on her hips and struck a pose

Fierce were her eyes as she stared back

She wasn't going to be judged this time.

Lydia's pose became more fierce

Any time the girl in the mirror tried to fight back she blew it away again

She had never looked like this before

Suddenly she found power in her breasts

They were big, and they were beautiful.

Any girl would love to have a set of knockers like these

Her belly was healthy and no longer fat

Not being afraid to eat is a good thing, no matter what she says

And her butt was the right kind of plump.

For the first time ever the girl in the mirror had nothing to say

Lydia was now allowed to see what a babe she was.

It was a day for celebration

So she put on that shirt that shows off her cleavage

And she put on those jeans that accentuated her curves.

She did up her hair so everyone could see her face.

And she decided, no longer was she going to be afraid of those perfect girls in front of the school.

Because, Lydia was a hot tempting cup of sexy

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