Kissing you before you left me for New York

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The wind couldn't be anymore colder, George buttoned his coat while he felt the next round of breeze pass him. He stared up at the open window belonging to Eliza's bedroom. He could only imagine how cold Eliza was while waiting for him to show up.

He was in too deep now. Once he called Eliza and asked to come over, once he threw on his coat and left his sleeping parents and younger siblings his mind was made up. He needed to do this.

George wasn't gonna let Eliza leave him and Jane, not without telling her how he felt...

Even if there was a chance she didn't love him back, he could rest easy knowing he at least told her.

He took a deep breath and took a piece of paper from his pocket. He made a paper airplane and threw it up high enough for it to enter Eliza's open bedroom window.

Once the paper airplane entered Eliza's bedroom, he saw a pink head with brown roots peek out the window and throw a bedsheet rope out the window for George to climb up as if she were Rapunzel.

George ran towards the window and climbed the bedsheet rope, the duvet feeling soft against his cold palms. Every time he climbed the soft rope, the pink duvet warmed his hands.

George kept his zeal locked in his heart when he finally entered Eliza's bedroom. He felt astound at the sight that she had no bags packed. To think he'll never see this bedroom again.


George then shifted his attention to Eliza, the dark atmosphere shading his skin with blues and her pink hair with purples.

"George, my mother will kill me if she finds out I snuck you in here..." A faint sigh escaped Eliza's lips as she sat down on her bed. George looked at her brown roots, the brown invading the top of her head to cast out the pink she always loved.

"Miss Eliza, this may be the death of me if I don't tell you this...I can't go on silent knowing you'll be gone for college in New York, I won't stop you from going to college but-"

He probably sounded as crazy as a loon talking, hence Eliza looking at him like one. Maybe she knew what he said was a lie. He wanted to stop her from going to New York. To tell her how much he loved her daily, how he wanted to go to Jane's house with her to wake her to tell her to get dressed so they could have tea parties in the creek again. No peasants, no Craig of the Creek to nag them and no college to separate them.

But Eliza only smiled and dropped George down to sit on the bed with her. The smell of the laundry detergent filling the pink duvet calmed him, the texture the pillows felt like clouds, and George felt his head spin. But he pulled himself to land just to let Eliza speak.

"George, I'm not going to New York."

"But how will you get to college?"

"I'm not going to that college..."

"I don't understand..."

George blinked. She had to be lying. Surely, she was fibbing to soothe George's nerves. This college was for only the most elite of people, the most talented. How could Eliza suddenly change plans?

Eliza closed her mouth into a line and got up from the bed. "That college, I always hated the thought of going..."

She then swayed herself around to look at George. He took note of the way she played her hands, just mentioning the college. "George, you know what that college is for?"

Diamonds of Stage, a college to shape even the most ignorant of people when it comes to theatre to be the next Joan Crawford, or at least that's what Eliza said when talking to Jane and him. It was clear those words were stolen from Mrs.Pendragon when talking about the college. Eliza had been accepted into the college, but there was a fact that made George light headed. Diamonds of Stage was in New York.

♡Heaven is a bedroom♡//Tiarabow (CRAIG OF THE CREEK)Where stories live. Discover now